BIVI CEO Kissel at North Carolina Swine Seminar

Cindy Zimmerman

Dr. Albrecht Kissel moved from his native Germany to Missouri in 2011 to become the president and CEO of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica (BIVI) and this year he had the chance to attend the company’s annual North Carolina Swine Health Seminar. Trained as a veterinarian, Kissel has been with BI since 1993 and he shared a little bit about BIVI and …

Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Livestock, Swine

Ditch the Rule at Missouri State Fair

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture’s “Ditch the Rule” campaign against the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule was highlighted at the Missouri State Fair this week. Three members of Missouri’s congressional delegation held a press conference at the fair, organized by the the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and Missouri Farm Bureau. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), …

Ag Groups, Audio, Livestock, NCBA

Join the #RealPigFarming Conversation


I sat down with Cindy Cunningham of the National Pork Board and talked with her about the new campaign they’ve launched called #RealPigFarming. The campaign takes place on major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and its aim is to educate the general public on the pork industry. “So those real pig farmers – from their barns, from their …

Ag Media Summit, Livestock, Pork, Swine

Lotz Wins World Livestock Auctioneer Championship

Jamie Johansen

Blaine Lotz of Edna, Kan. proved his world-class talent as a livestock auctioneer at the 51st anniversary of the Livestock Marketing Association’s (LMA) World Livestock Auctioneer Championship (WLAC) in Knoxville, Iowa, on Saturday, June 21. As a third-generation auctioneer, the world champion was quite familiar with the livestock marketing industry. When he was 15, Lotz attended auctioneering school at Western …

Ag Groups, Beef, Livestock, LMA

DOT Grants Livestock Haulers Exemption

Cindy Zimmerman

On Friday, the U.S. Department of Transportation granted a one-year exemption for truck drivers hauling livestock and poultry from an hours-of-service rule that took effect last July 1. The regulation requires truck drivers to take a 30-minute rest break after eight hours of service, which for drivers transporting livestock and poultry includes the hours of service loading and unloading animals. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Livestock, NPPC, Pork, Swine, World Pork Expo

Iowa Congressman Visits WPX

Cindy Zimmerman

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) paid a visit to World Pork Expo last week to talk with producers and learn more about the issues they are facing right now. The congressman represents the 4th district of the state in the northwest corner, bordering Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska, and he is a strong advocate for livestock producers. During the farm bill …

Animal Agriculture, Audio, Livestock, Swine, World Pork Expo

Groundbreaking for New Holland Pavilions

Jamie Johansen

Ground was broke to mark the start of construction on the New Holland Pavilions at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. The 290,000 square foot expansion will create a state-of-the-art multi-use space, replacing again barn facilities. “We are proud to partner with Dane County to build and provide what will be the premium livestock facility in the country, a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Livestock, New Holland, Tractor, World Dairy Expo

Fresh From Florida NAMA Farm Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

Since it’s usually in Kansas City, the annual NAMA conference rarely has a farm tour, so getting to see and hear about some agriculture outside the Midwest was a treat this week. Thanks to the Florida NAMA chapter for setting it up and to sponsors Ag Net Media and Vance Publishing for making it possible. Our tour stops included a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Livestock, NAMA, Potato, Video

Sen. Thune Talks Rail Delays and Livestock Aid

Cindy Zimmerman

Rail delays are impacting shipments of ethanol and grains, among other commodities, thanks in part to the long, cold winter – but also due to increased transport of crude oil from North Dakota. “The railroads are going to have to do a better job,” said Sen. John Thune during an interview in Washington DC last week after meeting with biofuels …

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, Livestock

Texas Cattle in Super Bowl Ad

Cindy Zimmerman

There was a lot of social media buzz surrounding the 2014 Super Bowl commercial for Chevy Silverado featuring a Hereford bull on the make for some sexy ladies. Texas A&M University reports the cattle in the ad belonged to one of their board regents. Regent Jim Schwertner’s ranch was the set for Chevrolet’s “Romance” commercial, which is slated to be …

Advertising, Livestock, Video