RFA Ethanol Podcast

Dedicated Leadership From John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

The show put on for us here at the John Deere product introduction took over an hour so I’ve edited a video clip of it down to 10 minutes to fit on YouTube for you. It’ll give you a flavor of the show, including the music. In the clip you’ll see the introduction, the new 70 Series combines and remarks …

John Deere, Video

John Deere Rocks The Dealers

Chuck Zimmerman

The John Deere product launch is a real show that includes a full band. These guys started out on drop down mini round stages before stepping out onto the floor. The video is processing but you can still listen to them. This is the song/narration that got things started and put dealers in the mood for excitement and pride in …

Audio, John Deere

John Deere New Product List

Chuck Zimmerman

To give you some perspective on how many new products are being brought to the marketplace by John Deere I thought a list would help. It’s a big one like they’ve been saying and farmers will be seeing most of them on display at shows coming up like next week’s Farm Progress Show. 9030 & 9030T Series Tractors 6030 & …

John Deere

Media and Analysts Getting a John Deere Lesson

Chuck Zimmerman

Here at the John Deere product launch the media and securities analysts are in a classroom session to hear from company representatives on new product topics like tractors, combines, cotton handling and precision gear. I’m recording the session and will be posting quite a bit of content over the next two days. Right now I’m letting my video from last …

John Deere

John Deere SVP Doug DeVries

Chuck Zimmerman

At the conclusion of the stage show tonight we heard from John Deere Senior Vice President, Agricultural Marketing – North America, Australia & Asia, Doug DeVries. Doug came out to thank the dealers who work directly with the customers. I spoke to him as soon as the floor was opened to us to wander around and see the new equipment …

Audio, John Deere

New John Deere 70 Series Combines

Chuck Zimmerman

Wow did we see a show tonight here at the John Deere product launch. When you hear the engines roaring and then they come out of the dark and the smoke it really generates some excitement. I think we had almost 1,500 people on hand for tonight’s show in the Cincinnati convention center. They were mostly representatives of John Deere …

Corn, John Deere

John Deere Introduces 9030 Series Tractors

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a preview of what we’re going to see and drive today at the John Deere product launch. John Deere introduces a new line of large, high-horsepower tractors – the 9030 Series. There are eight new tire- and track-equipped models ranging in horsepower from 325 to 530 hp. Also included are models specifically designed for construction job-site scraper applications. These …

John Deere

Media Registering For John Deere Product Launch

Chuck Zimmerman

There are quite a few media representatives attending the John Deere product launch here in Cincinnati. Here’s some of the first to check in this morning. Besides media there are about an equal number of security analysts attending to see what’s going on with the company and to get a better feel for how agriculture is doing as an industry. …

John Deere

Leadership By Design in a Historic Location

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s John Deere Product launch day. The theme of the event is “Leadership By Design.” We’ll be getting out into the field later today but we’re staying at the historic Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hilton. This is a historic landmark and really interesting hotel. I’m just getting an event photo album started and you can see the first entries here. I’ll …

John Deere