2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Leadership At John Deere

Laura McNamara

Various members of Deere & Company’s senior management have become, well, even more senior. The company also opened up a new position. Deere & Company has announced the appointment of two new senior officers as well as new assignments for other members of the senior management team, including the creation of a position to leverage several key disciplines across the …

John Deere

John Deere Completes Acquisition of Ningbo Benye

Chuck Zimmerman

Just when I thought I had all the John Deere releases in hand, in comes another one. This time it’s about completing their acquisition of the Ningbo Benye Tractor & Automobile Manufacture Co. Ltd. business, located in Ningbo in southern China. John Deere had announced signing a definitive agreement in June. The acquisition expands John Deere’s product line for Chinese …

Agribusiness, International, John Deere, Tractor

John Deere Product Launch Overview

Chuck Zimmerman

After the big show at the John Deere product launch all the dealers were invited down to the floor and the next room to see all the new equipment up close and personal. While I was wandering around the floor I met Chris Whitehead, John Deere Manager of Advertising and Marketing Communications. He provided me with an overview of what …

Audio, John Deere

Seth Crawford Talks John Deere Combines

Chuck Zimmerman

The big combines just have that “wow” factor when it comes to a show and this week’s John Deere product introduction was no exception. The marketing manager for combines for John Deere is Seth Crawford. I interviewed him right after the field demonstration portion on combines. The one in this picture is one of their new 70 Series with the …

Corn, John Deere, Video

Sprayers and Spray Controlling From John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s where we got to see new sprayers in action at the John Deere product introduction. We had three presenters including Iowa farm brothers Brent and Lee Madden and Adam Hart. They also talked about how some of the new John Deere precision ag equipment works with these sprayers to more precisely apply product. You can watch a portion of …

John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Video

Getting Precise With John Deere Upgrades

Chuck Zimmerman

Kayla Reynolds works in the John Deere Ag Management Solutions area just like Mike Park. She was our teacher in the “classroom” part of our media/analysts session this week at the John Deere product introduction. Kayla focused on 4 main topics related to precision ag. They are long range RTK, shading optimization, GS2 rate controller expansion and Swath Control Pro …

Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Scalable Accuracy in Precision Ag Products

Chuck Zimmerman

At the John Deere product introduction we got to see some big iron in action. One demo involved this 9630T which has an amazing stability functionality built into it including a new AirCushion walking I-beam suspension system. While I was at this field station I interviewed Mike Park, Factory Marketing Manager, Ag Management Solutions. Mike talks about John Deere’s precision …

John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Video

John Deere Recommends Biodiesel

Chuck Zimmerman

The Director of Ag Industry Relations for John Deere is Don Borgman. Here he is getting interviewed by Mike LaPorte, KRVN. Don says that although biofuels isn’t a real focus for John Deere at their product launch what’s going on in the development of biofuel products is having a real impact on their business. He highly recommends that producers use …

Audio, Biodiesel, John Deere

Learn About John Deere Tractors

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a shot of Willie Vogt, editorial director, Farm Progress Companies, in a John Deere tractor at the field day yesterday. His test station was behind the 5000 series tractors with 4 wheel drive that were also on display for test driving. Willie is in a 7230 tractor in the picture. At my first demo station I spoke with Mike …

John Deere, Tractor, Video

John Deere Products From a Customer Solutions Perspective

Chuck Zimmerman

The agricultural media met for breakfast this morning prior to some classroom presentations and heard from John Lagemann, John Deere, Vice President, Sales – Ag Marketing, Lenexa. John says they’re very pleased with the product introduction that’s taking place. He says the event allows the company to share product and strategic plans with their partners. He says that “Dedicated Leadership” …

Audio, John Deere