2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Video Marketing

Chuck Zimmerman

Does your company need justification for creating video for online use? Here’s some interesting information on today’s eMarketer.com. Every retailer knows the importance of moving product, but online the idea may be taking on a whole new meaning. According to comScore, the number of online shoppers who watched retail videos grew 40% in a single year. It is not surprising …


Internet Access Necessary Part of Today’s Events

Chuck Zimmerman

I just recently spoke with the Ft. Worth Stock Show and found out that they don’t have internet access availability options for the media. However, they are very aware of the growing need for this and I’m betting it will become available next year. I’m just hoping for good AT&T coverage when I’m there week after next. But it’s not …


Get Your Own YouTube Channel

Chuck Zimmerman

Much has been made about our new President being so good at using today’s new media tools (blogging, Twitter, etc.) but how about our Pope? The Vatican has officially launched its own YouTube channel which you can find at: http://www.youtube.com/vatican. The channel is being offered in English, Spanish, Italian and German. This channel offers news coverage of the main activities …

Internet, Video

Stream Live TV On Your iPhone

Chuck Zimmerman

My main man, Steve Mays, the Obamanator, is on the ground in Washington, DC to attend today’s inauguration. I realize he’s not looking for the agricultural angle but he’s blogging it and tweeting it, using Flickr and even some video. I’d rather watch his coverage than any of the network blather. We may be miles apart politically but he does …


WATT Virtual Animal Health Forum

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a sign of the viability of online communications in agriculture. I think we’re going to see more of this at time goes on and travel budgets get tighter. WATT, a global custom marketing solutions company, announces the launch of the agribusiness industry’s first-ever virtual tradeshow: WATT Online Animal Nutrition & Health Forum, to be held on 29 April, 2009 …

Animal Health, Internet, Publication

Rural Fiber Fund

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to Twitterer Rural_Broadband (who is?) for pointing me to some posts by Geoff Daily at AppRising.com who is supporting rural fiber as the method to bring high speed internet access to rural America. He writes: Fiber is our future. It’s the only broadband that’s considered true 21st century infrastructure, and only full fiber networks equal world-class broadband. Whatever broadband …


Ubiquitous Broadband

Chuck Zimmerman

With the new leadership in Washington, DC getting ready to take over I’d love to see the list of who wants a handout, bailout or whatever you want to call it. It seems like every group or industry is positioning themselves to get something out of whatever economic stimulus package we get. I just wonder where all this money is …


Adults Networking Online Socially

Chuck Zimmerman

There’s an interesting new report out from the PEW folks. This time on a comparison of young and old users of social networking sites. The bold sections are added by me. The share of adult internet users who have a profile on an online social network site has more than quadrupled in the past four years — from 8% in …


USDA Closes Broadband Loan Agreement

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s hope we see continued commitment to rural development in the new administration in Washington, DC. The outgoing one has sure done a lot in this area, especially to develop broadband which is providing new opportunities in our rural and farm communities. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer announced today that Open Range Communications has finalized a $267 million loan agreement with …

Internet, USDA

Plant Management Network Teaches You How To Use It

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a good example of the use of a webinar by the Plant Management Network. It looks like it was put together with Articulate. PMN recently hosted a live webcast demonstrating its informational resources and how to use them. Specifically, it showed how agricultural practitioners may use PMN’s various tools in their daily work. The webcast was presented by Howard …

Ag Groups, Internet