Virtual Agronomy Down Under

Chuck Zimmerman

I think virtual agronomy is a great idea and term for using the internet for a virtual field day. That’s what the BCG (Birchip Cropping Group and Wimmera Farming Systems) is doing in Australia. Virtual Agronomy allows the BCG to provide a more detailed, current and interactive service to its members without replacing any existing extension tools. It is user-friendly …

International, Internet

More High Speed in Rural America

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA Rural Development is at it again, helping bring AgWired to rural America in high speed (as well as all ZimmComm online communications projects). Thank you Sec. Dorr for all you do! SDA Rural Development Under Secretary Thomas C. Dorr today announced that Open Range Communications, headquartered in Denver, Colo., has been approved to receive a $267 million loan from …

Internet, USDA

The Indiana MarketMaker

Chuck Zimmerman

If you want to find some Hoosier goodness online then check out the Indiana MarketMaker. It’s where consumers, businesses and farmers are linked. Hoosiers can now find farm-fresh eggs or just-picked apples right in their neighborhood, thanks to a new interactive Web site called MarketMaker. The Web site connects consumers, agricultural businesses and farmers, providing a one-stop shop to locate …


Broadband Opportunities for Rural America

Chuck Zimmerman

That’s the title on a new joint website of the Federal Communications Commission and USDA Rural Development. Pretty soon we won’t see any disparity in rural vs. urban broadband accessibility. “Broadband technology is a key driver of economic growth. The ability to share increasing amounts of information, at greater and greater speeds, increases productivity, facilitates interstate commerce, and helps drive …

Internet, USDA

New Website For Certified Hereford Beef

Chuck Zimmerman

If you like Certified Hereford Beef then you’ll want to check out the new website for their customers. Certified Hereford Beef® (CHB) LLC has re-launched a customer-focused Web site, . This new Web site is equipped with upgraded navigation software to make it more user-friendly for CHBs three publics, consumers, customers (retail/foodservice) and producers. provides users an opportunity …

Ag Groups, Beef, Internet

eXtension Has Cotton

Chuck Zimmerman

You are probably familiar with the eXtension website but you may not know that there’s now a whole section on cotton. eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers – experts who know their subject matter inside out.

Internet, University

Go With NewsGator and Keep Up

Chuck Zimmerman

How many of you are subscribing to news feeds? If you’re in agricultural communications and claim to be a professional on top of things then I hope all of you are. There are so many ways to do this today that excuses like, “It’s too complicated” or “I can’t keep up with all the information” just aren’t valid. If you’re …


Farm Podcasters & Agribloggers Facebook Group

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m surprised about how quickly people are finding me on Facebook and LinkedIn. I’ve got a growing list of friends and contacts already. So for those of you who are involved in agricultural communications (broadcasting, publication, web, freelance, photographer, public relations, etc.) I’ve created a group for Farm Podcasters and Agribloggers on Facebook. Feel free to join. If you don’t …


Time Online Rising Rapidly

Chuck Zimmerman

How much time do you spend online these days? More than you did 2 years ago? According to a chart on the Compete Blog time spent online has increased by 24.3% since October of 2006. That’s a pretty healthy jump in just two years. Here’s what the author of that post, Jay Meattle, has to say about it: We are …


Wal-Mart Selling Broadband Internet Access

Chuck Zimmerman

According to a story on Business Week, Walmart will begin selling broadband internet access. That would be of the satellite variety. They’ll begin re-selling Hughes Communications satellite service right away. It’s not a huge market but one of the barriers to satellite access has been price. The bet is that the price will go down now that the big dog …
