Right before the WTO talks got started in Hong Kong the FAO released its “State of Food & Agriculture 2005” report.
Learn About European Union FarmSubsidy(.org) Payments
I was saving this for the right time. I think with the WTO talks going on in Hong Kong it’s a good time to point you to FarmSubsidy.org. From their news release earlier this month:
G10 Countries Express Trade Concerns
As we get closer to the Hong Kong Ministerial of the WTO the rhetoric is heating up. Ag groups here in the United States have sure been sending out the “position” releases. I have to call them that since I’m not sure I would use the word news to describe the content of a lot of the ones I see. They are informative though for reporters, most of which probably don’t “use” them other than for background information.
Meet The Guild of Agricultural Journalists
Once you get involved with the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) you get exposed to people in many other countries so as time permits I’ll try to draw your attention to interesting things from the international world of ag communications. I just saw a recent e-Alert from the Guild of Agricultural Journalists of Great Britain (GAJ).