BSE Effects Continue in Canada

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensWhat do growing forages and BSE have in common you may ask? When the BSE crisis hit the Canadian cattle industry in 2003, most watched cattle producers struggle, what to do with their cattle, in some cases almost worthless. However, the effects of that crisis reached out to almost every segment selling into that industry.


Siemens Will Say It On Agwired

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensLet me introduce you to Harry Siemens because you’ll be seeing his writing here on AgWired on a regular basis. We’re in a global farm economy right? So why not have some Canadian perspective? This is going to be fun. I’m just getting to know Harry and you and I will get to know him better together. Harry lives in Winkler, Manitoba. That’s not too far from the U. S. border. Harry “gets” this blogging thing and I’m really excited to have him become a part of the AgWired world.


Bodisen Launches Mancozeb Facility

Chuck Zimmerman

Bodisen Biotech It seems like we’re seeing more and more news from China these days. In this case, Bodisen Biotech, which claims that it is the first China-based environmentally friendly bio-fertilizer company listed on a US stock exchange (AMEX),” today announced the launch of its new pesticide raw materials production line which is expected to make it one of the largest producers of Mancozeb in China.

Agribusiness, International

New WTO Publication Releases

Chuck Zimmerman

World Trade OrganizationSince Keith Good won’t be posting today I thought I’d give you a taste of some world trade information from the WTO. They just released the latest edition of the World Trade Review. You can download the publication here in pdf format. In this issue you’ll find articles on:


Australia Thinks Apples Aren’t Healthy

Chuck Zimmerman

I know how important government rules about nutrition and food are in the agricultural world. Look at how the new MyPyramid has been used in advertising and publicity campaigns. I just think it always seems like an exercise in futility and a pretty serious waste of taxpayer dollars. That’s why a story like this is both amusing and disturbing.


I’m Not Green With Envy

Chuck Zimmerman

I wanted to use the photo but you’ll have to visit to see it. A flourescent green pig. Somehow the thought of green ribs or a nice glowing green loin roast just doesn’t appeal to me. What am I talking about? A story on CNN about these Chinese scientists who are breeding transgenic pigs. From the story:

International, University