2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ArmezonPRO Receives EPA Regislation For Use in Corn

Taylor Truckey

Armezon PRO herbicide, from BASF, has received full EPA regislation. Armezon® PRO herbicide provides long-lasting residual control of emerged grass and broadleaf weeds. “Growers want flexible options to control weeds based on their farm’s needs,” said Daniel Waldstein, Technical Market Manager, Ph.D., BASF. “Armezon PRO herbicide has a wide application window and low use rate, resulting in time, storage and …

BASF, Corn, Herbicide

Time For the #RealYield Game

Chuck Zimmerman

Want to take a break from harvest? How about playing some Liberty Link Real Yield game? Here’s how you play: Visit www.realyieldgame.com and click on the promotion link. 1. Complete all fields in the registration or log-in process. 2. Select five fields in the game area to spray Liberty® to reveal incremental bushels of soybeans. 3. Look at the total …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Herbicide, Seed, Video

Learn About #LibertyLink and Play #RealYield Game

Cindy Zimmerman

No matter what kind of year it is, real yield makes all the difference and that is what real farmers who use the LibertyLink system are saying they are getting. We interviewed 200 soybean farmers from North Dakota to Mississippi this summer to find out how their experience with LibertyLink has been – whether they’ve used it since it was …

Bayer, Herbicide, Soybean

#SoyExcited about LibertyLink Real Yield Game

Cindy Zimmerman

During the 2015 Farm Progress Show, Bayer CropScience unveiled a social instant win experience for growers, the LibertyLink® Real Yield Game. Soybean Marketing Manager Malin Westfall is “soy excited” about the new promotion. “It’s really an opportunity for our customers to tell their story,” said Westfall. “We want to hear the great things that the Liberty Link system and Liberty …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, Soybean

Engenia™ Herbicide for Cotton

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection anticipates regulatory approval for Engenia™ herbicide yet later this year, which will provide growers with the most technologically advanced dicamba formulation for control of broadleaf weeds in dicamba-tolerant crops for both soybeans and cotton. “Like all the other dicambas BASF has made in our 50 year history, (Engenia) is a highly effective post-emergent broadleaf weed control tool,” …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

FMC Expands Relationship with Monsanto

Lizzy Schultz

FMC Corporation and Monsanto Company announced this week that they have expanded an agreement to continue their participation in the Roundup Ready PLUS® Crop Management Solutions platform. The agreement will be included in the new Roundup Ready® 2 Xtend Crop System that is set to launch in 2016, and includes FMC’s Authority® brand sulfentrazone herbicides as well as FMC’s Capture® …

Agribusiness, Farm Progress Show, FMC, Herbicide

Overlapping Residuals for Weed Management

Joanna Schroeder

Heavy rainfall this season has led to heavy weed pressure in fields around the Midwest, making overlapping residuals more important to protect next season’s crop. FMC Midwest Technical Lead Gail Stratman explains that a grower wants to maintain good and strong weed control to maximize yield potential in the corn crop. As you travel around the Midwest, says Stratman, with …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, FMC, Herbicide, weed management

FMC Fall Burndown Advice

Joanna Schroeder

Harvest is soon to be underway as summer gives way to the fall, and that is the time when growers need to think about getting a clean start next spring. For growers having problems with chickweed and marestail, a fall burndown program can provide good benefits. “Fall is the best time to really deal with winter annuals,” says FMC Senior …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, FMC, Herbicide, weed management

FMC Talks Anthem Maxx at #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

Anthem® Maxx herbicide due out this fall from FMC is a new, concentrated version of Anthem herbicide that offers growers a dramatically lower use-rate. “We like taking Anthem to corn,” said Matt Hancock, FMC Corn Segment Manager, during an interview at last week’s Ag Media Summit. “This is a four ounce per acre use rate to get pre- and post-emergent …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide

Update on Engenia by @BASFAgProducts

Cindy Zimmerman

We’ve been hearing about the development of Engenia™ herbicide for dicamba-tolerant crops from BASF Crop Protection for over three years now and the wait for it to come to market may soon be over. “Our anticipation is that registration will come in the fourth quarter of this year,” said Dr. Chad Brommer, BASF Technical Market Manager for Engenia, during a …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide, Video