2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monsanto Call Provides Perspective on Dicamba Developments

Cindy Zimmerman

Monsanto held a media briefing Thursday to provide perspective on recent developments with dicamba herbicides. Monsanto chief technology officer Dr. Robb Fraley and Lisa Safarian, vice president of Monsanto North America, both participated in the call and answered questions from reporters. “Monsanto spent years developing XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® Technology to minimize the potential for off-site movement,” said Safarian. “Like many …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Herbicide

FMC to Acquire Portion of Dupont Crop Protection

Chuck Zimmerman

In an early morning call FMC and DuPont made a major announcement: FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC) and DuPont (NYSE: DD) today announced the signing of a definitive agreement for FMC to acquire the portion of DuPont’s Crop Protection business it must divest to comply with the European Commission ruling related to its merger with The Dow Chemical Company. Additionally, DuPont …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, Herbicide, Insecticides, International, Technology

The Future of Weed Resistance

Lizzy Schultz

The continued prevalence of herbicide resistant weeds pose a significant threat to the future availability of many of the industry’s most important crop protection technologies, making the need to take a proactive approach to weed resistance more important than ever. David Tanner, Liberty Product Manager at Bayer, spoke during the 2016 Bayer AgVocacy Forum earlier this month about the current …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Herbicide, weed management

BASF Offers Zidua® PRO for Soybean Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

Soybean growers now have a new tool to control weeds in 2017. BASF’s Zidua® PRO (Premium Residual Option) herbicide is a new broad-spectrum product with powerful burndown and residual control that helps growers address the issue of weed resistance. After receiving U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration earlier this year, Zidua PRO herbicide is now in market and available for …

BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide

FMC Rhyme Addresses Disease Concerns

Joanna Schroeder

Powdery mildew has been a stand-out problem in California according to Matt Rackerby, strategic business specialist for FMC. In fact, one grower told him that in 50 years of growing grapes, it’s the worst powdery mildew he’s ever seen. This season proved to be the perfect conditions for the disease to grow and people who didn’t address it early and …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, Fungicide, Herbicide

NCGA Tells EPA to Leave Atrazine Alone

Joanna Schroeder

Atrazine is once again under attack with a recent report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highly critical of the ag herbicide. National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has been fighting for the right of growers to use atrazine and to learn more I spoke with Kevin Skunes, the first vice president elect for NCGA and a farmer from Eastern …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, NCGA

Two Pass Weed Control Back In Style

Lizzy Schultz

Chris Reat, Corn Segment Product Manager at FMC Corporation, was on hand during the 2016 Ag Media Summit to discuss the benefits of using a two pass system for weed control, and the ways it can help protect your yields this season. “The two pass system is really starting to come back in vogue because of the challenges we’re having …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Agronomy, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide

Fall is For Weed Control

Lizzy Schultz

The growing season is in full swing, and the team at FMC Corporation is encouraging growers to be extra weed-conscious as summer comes to an end and harvest season begins. Ken Smith, Technical Service Manager for FMC Corporation, was on hand during the 2016 Ag Media Summit to discuss the reality of herbicide resistance, and how it has made fall …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide

From #AgMedia- FMC Grows Corn Division

Kelly Marshall

Perhaps when you think of FMC you think of soybeans- but that is changing, says Chris Reat, Corn Product Manger.  At the recent Ag Media Summit in St. Louis, Missouri Reat told AgWired they’re expanding their corn sector with a full range of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. When asked about corn crops for this year Reat’s advice was not to …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, FMC, Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticides

New Partnerships for @MonsantoCo

Kelly Marshall

Monsanto Company has formed two new partnership agreements.  One targets weed control solutions while the other focuses on genome-editing. Under an agreement with TargetGene Biotechnologies LTD, Monsanto receives an exclusive license for TargetGene’s Genome Editing Engine (T GEE).  “TargetGene is pleased to be working with Monsanto to enable the next generation of agricultural innovation through the application of our genome-editing …

Agribusiness, Biotech, Herbicide, weed management