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Great American Wheat Harvest Documentary

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a great project to show your support for. It’s a film documentary in production now called The Great American Wheat Harvest. In this week’s program I’m sharing a conversation with film producer Conrad Weaver during AG CONNECT Expo and U.S. Custom Harvesters Convention. I put the program together in a noisy Atlanta Delta Sky Club this morning because that’s …

Agribusiness, Audio, Harvest, ZimmCast

Deere Harvest ID Cotton at Beltwide

Jamie Johansen

We told you about John Deere’s Harvest Identification, Cotton when it was first introduced last year at Beltwide Cotton Conferences. This year we got an update from Janae (formally Althouse) Tapper on this precision harvest technology and grower adoption of it. “John Deere harvest identification is really important to the cotton growers so they can understand how many modules are …

Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton, FMC, Harvest

Harvest Masters Unveiled New Mirus Software at ASTA

Jamie Johansen

Just last month at the ASTA Seed Expo in Chicago, Harvest Masters by Juniper Systems, announced the release of their new harvest data collection software system they call Mirus. Cindy spoke with Allen Wilson, Ag Marketing Manager for Harvest Masters, during the event. Allen shared how the two year long process to develop this software resulted in a brand new …

ASTA, Audio, Harvest, Precision Agriculture, Seed

FMC Talks New Product Lines

Jamie Johansen

FMC Corporation shared new product lines during the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talks. Chuck talked with Bentley Curry, FMC Representative, about herbicides and harvest aids farmers can take advantage of in the fields. “This year we had the Authority line of products in combination with Authority XL, Authority MTZ. Probably the product that was best fitted for …

Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton, FMC, Harvest, NAFB

A Voice For Custom Harvesters

Jamie Johansen

U.S. Custom Harvesters, like many other agricultural organizations, represented themselves well at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talk. Tracy Zeorian, President, and Kent Braathen, Vice President of U.S. Custom Harvesters, shared the history of the organization and how they are providing a voice for custom harvesters across the country. “Our organization is comprised of all custom harvesters: …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Equipment, Farm Machinery, Harvest, NAFB

Farmers Finding More Than Just Aflatoxins

Melissa Sandfort

There is no doubt that feed quality will be a challenge this year. Four of the nation’s top producing corn states have already been given permission to blend corn at levels exceeding the FDA aflatoxin action level and other states may soon be following in pursuit. As the USDA reports this year’s corn supply at an eight-year low, much of …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Harvest

Harvest for Kids World Record

Chuck Zimmerman

The most combines harvesting simultaneously, ever. That just happened in Saskatchewan for a Harvest for Kids project! Can you imagine seeing 249 combines in action all at once. Combines of all colors! Here’s a note from Derek Unrau Director, Harvest for Kids. We were able to fill all 249 swaths with combines but a few did not finish so we …

Ag Groups, Harvest