2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Red Cross Now Accepting “Gift of Grain”

John Davis

While cash might not always be plentiful in some parts of farming country, grain certainly can be. That’s why the American Red Cross has partnered with grain growers in Iowa who might not be able to give money but can certainly donate a portion of their harvest and cooperatives, such as GROWMARK, through the Gift of Grain program. The American …


Pork Economic Situation and Outlook

Cindy Zimmerman

The record yields and production predicted for the U.S. corn crop this year have good potential to get even bigger, according to livestock economist Steve Meyer, Paragon Economics. “It just looks very good … we’re looking at a great crop,” said Meyer at the Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica North Carolina Swine Health Seminar last week. “Based on history, the two years …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Grains, Livestock, Pork

Vetter Confirmed Speaker at USGC Annual Meeting

Jamie Johansen

International trade policy, and current developments in agricultural trade with China, will be in the spotlight as recently appointed chief agricultural negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office, Darci Vetter, addresses the U.S. Grains Council’s 54th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, July 28-30, 2014. Helping implement the North American Free Trade Agreement, resolving agricultural trade issues with …

Ag Groups, Grains, Trade, USGC

Grain Cooperatives Earn Ceres Award

Jamie Johansen

Four grain cooperatives were recognized by GROWMARK, Inc. with the Ceres award during the 2014 Grain Leadership Conference. The award, named for the Roman goddess of grain, is awarded to grain cooperatives that achieve excellence by meeting at least three out of the four following criteria: EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)/per storage capacity, return on invested capital, …

Ag Groups, Grains, GROWMARK

GROWMARK Report Studies Stocks-to-Use

Cindy Zimmerman

A new report from GROWMARK Research challenges the commonly accepted notion that ending stocks are a primary determinant of agricultural commodity prices. In the report, GROWMARK economic and market research manager Kel Kelly shows that stocks are inversely correlated with prices, but that the correlation occurs within a limited price range, meaning that stocks do not dictate the extent of …

Audio, Grains, GROWMARK, Markets

What’s New Sessions at Commodity Classic

Jamie Johansen

Agriculture’s newest, most innovative products and services will be showcased at the What’s New sessions at the 2014 Commodity Classic. The 19th Annual Commodity Classic is Feb. 27-March 1, along the banks of the famous River Walk in San Antonio, TX. “If you’re coming to Commodity Classic hoping to learn and gain some new ideas to take back to your …

Ag Groups, Commodity Classic, Corn, Cotton, Grains, sorghum, Soybean

Rabo AgriFinance Report From NAFB

Jamie Johansen

Rabo AgriFinance was present for the recent Trade Talk during the 2013 NAFB Convention. The company is the leading U.S. ag lender and specializes in protein to produce and inputs to oilseeds. Their expert team monitors and evaluates the global market that influences agriculture around the world. I spoke with two of the team’s analysts at the event and they …

Agribusiness, Audio, Beef, Corn, Grains, Markets, Media, NAFB, Soybean

CHS Grain Trading App

Chuck Zimmerman

CHS, Inc. just announced a new app for mobile grain trading. This sounds pretty handy. So you grain trading agnerds out there have another app tool for your device and speaking of devices, there are lots more new ones to choose from like the new iPads announced by Apple this week! The free app allows easy access to CHS grain …

Agribusiness, Apps, Farming, Grains

Corn Communicators Talk Maizall in Argentina

Cindy Zimmerman

Communications directors of three major grain grower organizations in the United States were among those attending the IFAJ 2013 Congress in Argentina this week. It was the first time for Mindy Williamson with the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, Marri Carrow with U.S. Grains Council, and National Corn Growers Association Communications Director Ken Colombini to attend the international meeting of agricultural …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Grains, IFAJ, International, NCGA, USGC