RFA Ethanol Podcast

Concerns With Proposed GIPSA Rule

Chuck Zimmerman

During the recent USDA/DOJ public workshop on competition in the livestock industry I spoke with Dr. Stephen Koontz, Associate Professor, Colorado State University. He has a degree in agricultural economics from University of Illinois. Proposed new rules from the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) was the main topic of conversation and Dr. Koontz has some concerns. He says …

Audio, GIPSA, University

Pork and Beef Panels On GIPSA

Chuck Zimmerman

Since the livestock industry is so important to our country as well as just about every other sector of agriculture you can’t get enough on a subject that has major implications for its future. That would be the proposed rule by the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA). You can follow back through our posts on this topic using …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, GIPSA, NCBA, NPPC, Pork

GIPSA Proposed Rule Video Interviews

Chuck Zimmerman

The most recent USDA/DOJ Public Workshop on competition in the livestock industry may be fading from people’s minds but we’re going to keep the issues discussed and presented alive, most importantly the proposed GIPSA rule that everyone seems to agree would have a profound impact on the industry. What kind of impact though is a source of significant disagreement. You …

Ag Groups, Audio, GIPSA, Livestock, NCBA

R-CALF President Says Livestock Pub Editors Should be Fired

Cindy Zimmerman

R-CALF USA is not very happy with the way “mainstream” livestock media editorialized about the DOJ/USDA workshop in Colorado last week that was primarily about the proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rule. In fact, if it were up to the president of the organization, he would “Fire Them All.” I guess hangin’s too good for ’em! The …

GIPSA, Livestock, Media

USDA/DOJ Public Workshop Panels

Chuck Zimmerman

Friday’s joint USDA/DOJ public workshop was a marathon with potentially over 2,000 people participating. You can follow some of what happened in my archived CoverItLive stream and the press conference featuring Sec. Vilsack and AG Eric Holder. For those of you who couldn’t attend, couldn’t listen to the live stream or need the audio for your reports or broadcasts I’m …

Audio, GIPSA, Livestock, USDA

Live Coverage – USDA/DOJ Public Workshop

Chuck Zimmerman

The player below will let you see my CoverItLive stream from the workshop. Thanks to the hundreds who logged in and especially those who commented. I was also live tweeting today using the #USDADOJ hashtag. USDA/DOJ Public Workshop – Ft. Collins, CO USDA/DOJ Livestock Competition Workshop and Forums Photo Album

GIPSA, Livestock

Live Audio From R-Calf GIPSA Forum

Chuck Zimmerman

Now I’m attending the R-Calf GIPSA forum. Got here a little late. They’ve got an overflow crowd. There are several speakers to go. The language being used in the presentations is very different. Lots of references to factory farms and corporate control. No definition given though. I tried to live stream the audio but I couldn’t get on the hotel …

Ag Groups, Audio, GIPSA, Livestock

Live Audio GIPSA Forum With NCBA/NPPC

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been live streaming the audio from this evening’s forum and press conference on the proposed GIPSA rule. I’ll be posting selected audio and interviews at some later time since I have another forum to try to attend this evening and then an all day workshop tomorrow. I hope all you who listened got something out of it. It’s always …

Ag Groups, Audio, GIPSA, Livestock