2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

4R is Right for @GROWMARK Award Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

Jason Wesslund, area manager for the eastern half of Heritage FS in central Illinois, was one of five crop specialists recently named as the first recipients of the new GROWMARK Endure 4R Advocate award. Wesslund supervises four agronomy locations and four energy territories and also leads education and training of sustainable best management practices at Heritage FS. Wesslund uses the …

Agronomy, Audio, Fertilizer, FS System, GROWMARK

Endure 4R Advocate Award Program from @GROWMARK

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK has instituted a new award program to recognize the efforts of crop specialists who excel in engaging farmers by using sustainable, best-management practices. The GROWMARK Endure 4R Advocate award was just given to five crop specialists in the FS System for working with farmers to increase their use of the 4R approach; applying fertilizers at the right source, right …

Audio, FS System, GROWMARK, Sustainability

Climate FieldView Helps @GROWMARK Customers

Cindy Zimmerman

Climate Corporation’s Climate FieldView products are among the most exciting innovations that GROWMARK’s Ron Milby has seen come along for agriculture in the past two decades. “I’ve been involved with precision ag for over 20 years and just having satellite images so you can see what’s going on, that really is a tremendous value,” says Milby, GROWMARK’s executive director for …

Audio, FS System, GROWMARK, Precision Agriculture

Youth Programs Help @GROWMARK Grow

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to sustainability in agriculture, the most precious natural resource for the industry to preserve is our young people, and the GROWMARK System and FS member cooperatives are all about that. GROWMARK has a long history of making a significant investment in youth, from helping to fund Ag in the Classroom, to supporting FFA and 4-H, to a …

Audio, Education, FFA, FS System, GROWMARK

#Propane Power from @GROWMARK

Cindy Zimmerman

Propane power is on a roll these days, going far beyond it’s traditional uses of home heating and grain drying, moving into areas such as fleet vehicles and irrigation engines. For this edition of the ZimmCast, I talked with Becky Hornblower, GROWMARK’s propane marketing and technical services manager, about everything that’s new about propane – from supplies and prices, to …

Energy, FS System, GROWMARK, Propane, ZimmCast

#FarmProgressShow Powered by Dieselex Gold

Cindy Zimmerman

The gold standard for diesel is the fuel that powered the engines at the 2015 Farm Progress Show – as it has for many shows before. “We’re happy to do that to get our fuel in the equipment to show what it can do,” said Randy Moore with the GROWMARK FS Energy Division of the Dieselex Gold brand. “Dieselex Gold …

Audio, Biodiesel, Energy, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

GROWMARK Plans New Young Farmer Program

Cindy Zimmerman

As a young farmer herself with her husband, Heather Thompson knows first-hand some of the challenges facing the new generation of agriculture. “My husband and I are just getting back to our own family farm operation,” says Thompson, who is Young Producer Programs Manager for GROWMARK. Some of the challenges new young farmers face include farming with multiple generations, financial …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Farming, FS System, GROWMARK

GROWMARK Foundation Helps Educate About Ag

Cindy Zimmerman

At the GROWMARK/FS Services exhibit during the Farm Progress Show this past week, Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom received the latest in a long line of generous contributions to their efforts from the GROWMARK Foundation. Amy Bradford, who manages the foundation efforts, says they contributed another $70,000 this year as part of an annual donation to help improve ag literacy …

Audio, Education, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

HiSoy Golden Sweepstakes Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

Matt Davis and his son Adam who farm near Mendota, Illinois are going home from the Farm Progress Show this week with a Meridian Seed Tender, courtesy of GROWMARK and Grainco FS in honor of the 50th anniversary of HiSoy soybeans. “It’s fantastic, I didn’t actually believe it at first,” said Davis when he was awarded his prize at the …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK, Seed, Soybean

Feed the Hungry with @FSServices at #FPS15

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK and the FS System are the folks who make the Farm Progress Show grow and go – so you definitely should stop by and visit them on the corner of Central and Eleventh before the show ends on Thursday afternoon. “We are the official fuel and agronomic sponsor of the field demonstrations here,” says Rachel Moore with the GROWMARK …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Food, FS System, GROWMARK