2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Happy National Hamburger Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Happy National Hamburger Day. At least I think it is National Hamburger Day. I have found some conflicting information about this online. However, I’ve seen enough pointing to today to make it official enough for me. So, when you’re planning your grill schedule today or anytime this holiday weekend don’t forget the burgers! Here’s an excerpt from National Beef Ambassador …

Beef, Food

Sanani Coffee

Chuck Zimmerman

Regular AgWired fans know that I am a coffee snob. That’s Cindy’s term since I just prefer to drink good coffee. That’s why I got excited when I learned about Sanani, The Original Mocha Coffee. In this week’s program we’re going to learn not only about Sanani but coffee itself. I think you’ll learn some things you did not know. …

Audio, Food, ZimmCast

Can the Local Food Movement Feed the World?

Joanna Schroeder

I think that one, living in California, and two, living on a ranch, is causing me to obsess about food. Or maybe it is because publishers keep sending me books about food to review (come back next week for one of those very reviews). Regardless of the reason, I was in Whole Foods last week and the last few times …

Farming, Food

Sorghum Offering Alternative To Celiac Diet

Chuck Zimmerman

I was interested to see that the Sorghum Checkoff is holding a food workshop since I’ve got a brother and sister who have Celiac disease. It made a major impact on their lives since so much of food today contains gluten. However, sorghum is providing an alternative. The Sorghum Checkoff, in conjunction with USDA/ARS, is sponsoring a sorghum food workshop …

Ag Groups, Food, sorghum

Plugrá Will Inspire You With Butter

Chuck Zimmerman

Maybe I’m just hungry right now but when I saw information about the Plugrá Culinary Institute and European style butter I thought this should be shared. It’s all about creating great food ideas for your spring soiree. The photo is herbed pretzels. Plan a chic shower for a special bride-to-be or mother-to-be with sophisticated ideas and complementary menu from Plugrá …

Ag Groups, Food

Honest Honey

Chuck Zimmerman

Honestly, the name is great. What do you think of when you first hear, “Honest Honey”? Four North American honey marketing companies and importers – Golden Heritage Foods, LLC, Burleson’s Inc., Odem International, and Dutch Gold Honey – today launched the Honest Honey Initiative and pledged to help protect the quality and reputation of the U.S. honey supply, as well …


iPhone App For Humane Foodies

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m pretty sure most AgWired fans like a good steak or hamburger and some, myself included, like a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Right? We support our farmers and ranchers and that includes meat producers of all types. We know that in order to be successful they have to take good care of their animals. That’s partly why we …

Animal Activists, Food, Wackos

Buy Triscuits, Grow Your Own Garden

Joanna Schroeder

I was in the grocery store last night and just happened to find myself in the cracker isle when a box caught my eye. It was the new branding for Triscuits. What struck me was that NabiscoWorld is now promoting “home gardening” on the box. When you look at the back of the box there are instructions on how to …

Farming, Food, Organic

SEGMENTrak Solicits Consumer Opinions On Food Production

Chuck Zimmerman

Demeter Communications has asked consumers some questions about food production and you might find the answers interesting. They launched a proprietary market research tool called SEGMENTrak to do this. Demeter Communications has set out to track opinions about food production practices among “indicator consumers.” “We want to shift from a defensive position to one of proactively talking to consumers about …

Agencies, Food

BBQ Cheddar Butterburger For National Hamburger Month

Chuck Zimmerman

This is how you celebrate National Hamburger Month. How about a Culvers BBQ Cheddar Butterburger? I wonder when the nutrition police will decide it’s illegal? Think Demolition Man. Culver’s introduces a new ButterBurger to help celebrate National Hamburger Month in May. Culver’s is now serving the BBQ Cheddar ButterBurger with fresh, never-frozen 100 percent U.S. beef, savory BBQ sauce, Wisconsin …

Beef, Food