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Thank A Farmer For Food Aplenty

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re going to be doing a little bit of #thankafarmer while giving #foodthanks today. Let’s start with the National Corn Growers Association. They are thanking family farmers for providing “food aplenty.” The focus is on protein which is created by chickens, turkeys, cows and pigs who eat the corn produced throughout the country. You can learn more about it on …

Ag Groups, Farming, Food

Pope Stresses Importance of Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

Pope Benedict calls agriculture an “indispensable resource for the future” that is not given enough importance today. During an address on November 14, the Pope reflected on the importance of agricultural work in light of the global economic situation. “In this context a strategic re-launching of agriculture appears decisive. In fact, the process of industrialization has often overshadowed the agricultural …


American Gulf Coast Thanksgiving

Chuck Zimmerman

We are so blessed in this country to not only have so many choices of food but to actually have food to eat. Speaking of choices, you might want to check out the Food Channel’s American Gulf Coast Thanksgiving. It’s a tribute to the “resilient spirits of America’s Gulf Coast residents with a fabulous Thanksgiving feast full of sumptuous seafood, …



Chuck Zimmerman

The AgChat Foundation has come up with a unique idea for you to use during this upcoming week of Thanksgiving. It’s called #foodthanks. It’s a way to show your thanks for the food we enjoy every day and the people who produce it. So what you’re encouraged to do is go to the webpage where you’ll find images for your …


New Strawberries Website

Chuck Zimmerman

Strawberry lovers have a new website from the California Strawberry Commission. The new website is chock full of some of the best recipes from professional chefs and top food bloggers, along with colorful and mouth-watering food photography. Recipes can be shared via social networks, voted on, and printed. Additionally, consumers and bloggers can submit their own recipes to be featured …

Ag Groups, Food

Celebrate Agriculture With Butterball

Chuck Zimmerman

Butterball wants kids to celebrate agriculture just in time for the big fall turkey dinner holiday! Butterball, LLC has partnered with Weekly Reader to develop “Celebrate Agriculture” – a compelling set of classroom learning materials designed to educate children about the importance of responsible agriculture. Butterball’s “Celebrate Agriculture” Weekly Reader program will provide educational materials to more than 200,000 teachers …

Education, Farming, Food

Gabriela Cruz Presented Kleckner Trade & Technology Advancement Award

Chuck Zimmerman

During the annual TATT Global Farmer to Farmer Roundtable our participant from Portugal received a prestigious award. Gabriela Cruz received the Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award. I spoke with her about her award and participation in the roundtable and you can listen to our conversation below. Gabriela Cruz is passionate about many things: the family farm that she and …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Food, International

Macro Food Trends

Chuck Zimmerman

Straight from the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference is a video with panel participants produced by Paulsen Marketing. The second day of NAMA’s Trends in Agriculture kicked off with a panel discussion on “Macro Food Trends.” Dan Halstrom is the Senior Vice President of marketing and communication for the U.S. Meat Export Federation. He emphasized a focus on global trade …

Agencies, Food, NAMA, Video