Sturgis Coffee Company Serves Up Bliss

Chuck Zimmerman

I am a coffee snob. I admit it. And I know there are other coffee snobs out there. So when I find something good I like to share it. Most of you know that when I’m home it’s all about Coffee Zone. But when traveling it’s usually a Panera or a Starbucks. That is unless I come across something like …


USFRA Announces The Food Dialogues

Chuck Zimmerman

Are you ready to talk about food? The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance is. On Sept. 22 they’re holding The Food Dialogues. During the event you’re encouraged to follow the Twitter hashtag: #FoodD and participate! During the Farm Progress Show last week USFRA held a press conference to announce the upcoming event. In the photo is General Manager, Hugh Whaley …

Ag Groups, Food, USFRA

Hand To Harvest App From Farm Family

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’ve wondered how you can incorporate an app into your marketing strategy then take a look at Harvest to Hand. This is a unique, functional tool that a lot of people will appreciate. How do you think that makes them feel about the Farm Family Insurance Company that produced it? This screenshot is from my current location on my …

Apps, Food

Noonish With Plenish

Chuck Zimmerman

Yesterday Cindy and I got to have a great noon lunch courtesy of Chef Charlie Baggs and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Chef Charlie was doing cooking demonstrations using Plenish, high oleic soybean oil which has “0g trans fat, less saturated fat and the highest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat available in soy.” He cooked us some excellents brats with carmelized onions, peppers …

Farm Progress Show, Food, Video

Tweet Your Farmer To Learn About Food

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program we get a wrap-up of the AgChat Foundation’s Agvocacy 2.0 Conference. I spoke with Michele Payn-Knoper, founder of the weekly AgChat conversation on Twitter and an AgChat Foundation board member and also Amanda Sollman, who took on the project this summer of helping us put on the conference. Michele says we had 115 attendees which is …

Audio, Farming, Food, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Farm Foundation Reports on What’s Driving Food Prices

Cindy Zimmerman

The agricultural policy organization Farm Foundation, NFP released a new report today on What’s Driving Food Prices for 2011. Foundation president Neil Conklin says the report is a follow up to similar studies they commissioned when prices were up in 2008 and 2009. “The purpose of the report this time is to provide both policy makers in the public sector …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Farm Foundation, Food, Soybean

Catering To Chefs Specialty Needs

Chuck Zimmerman

The oldest family farm in Livingston County, IL is Spence Farm. I met Marty and Kris Travis, seventh generation farmers, on this unique farming operation during the CTIC Indian Creek Watershed Project field tour. The farm specializes in a lot of heirloom vegetables among other products. You can see a list of their products on their website. Marty says the …

Audio, Conservation, Farming, Food, Video

Watermelon Pig

Chuck Zimmerman

Yesterday I posted grilling ideas but let’s not forget some other holiday foods. There are too many to mention. So I’ll keep it simple. How about a watermelon pig? No cooking required. Materials 1 Round seedless watermelon 1 Pipe cleaner 1 Piece of pink foam craft sheet 3 Buttons (one large pink and two blue or substitute blueberries) Melon baller …

Ag Groups, Food

4th of July Grilling

Chuck Zimmerman

Grilling. It’s what will be done this weekend at ZimmComm. This is a photo of a recent grilled meal of mine. With the 4th of July weekend upon us and I’m guessing many of you are already on vacation, it’s time to think about what you’re going to grill. If you are looking for ideas I thought I’d share some …
