With her stir fry recipe, Vegetable-Mango Beef Stir Fry, amateur home cook Sheryl Little of Sherwood, Ark., won the checkoff-funded 29th National Beef Cook-Off® $25,000 “Best of Beef” grand prize, topping recipes from 19 other finalists around the country. Sheryl was announced as the grand prize winner at the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show in Washington D.C. Her winning recipe, …
Show Some #foodthanks
If you love food and the farmers who grow and raise it and all the companies that bring it to your table then this is the time to show some #foodthanks. This social media campaign via Twitter is being coordinated by the AgChat Foundation again this year. Visit the website and see who is tweeting. Express your gratitude to those …
WTF? Where’s the Food. Without the Farmer?
Hey farmer and food lovers. Here’s a head’s up about a coordinated effort by college students to help do some agvocacy and reach out to other students to help them better understand food production and where it comes from. Student volunteers from colleges and universities nationwide have joined the agricultural advocacy group, I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul to promote …
Drink Orange Juice, Be Happy
According to new research from the Florida Department of Citrus, drinking orange juice “actually made participants feel positive, carefree and rejuvenated.” Through a patented research process designed to reveal unconscious emotions, consumers shared their thoughts and feelings about orange juice and its role in their lives. Findings showed that while participants view their daily life as a “hard road,” the …
Sniff The Cork
I am completely behind 100% Cork for my wine bottles. It looks like I’m not alone according to a recent survey by the Cork Quality Council. So sniff the cork. More than 60 percent of the top 100 domestic premium wine brands are now sealed with natural cork, another sign of the growing resurgence of cork and the diminishing use …
The Double Pyramid From Barilla Center For Food & Nutrition
So we had the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. Now we’ve got the Barilla Center For Food & Nutrition Double Pyramid? Okay. What do you think about that? Good research and information? Just another organization trying to insert their ideas into the food conversation? One side of the double pyramid focuses on food types by their definition of nutritional value and …
The Myth of Meat Glue
Meat MythCrushers (The American Meat Science Association and the American Meat Institute) has just released a new episode in their library of videos to help people find the truth behind a lot of meat myths. Let’s take a look at this one on transglutaminase which is being called “meat glue.” There’s a rumor going viral on the web about this. …
Food Day?
Welcome to food day. For me that’s every day. Thank God we live in a blessed country where we have the most plentiful, safe and affordable food supply in the world. The food we produce is safe to eat, safe for the environment, high quality and protects our national security. Thank all you farmers of all kinds who produce it. …
Farmers Want To Share CommonGround About Food
With all the World Food Day and Food Day talk does it seem like the farmer kind of gets left out of the conversation? CommonGround thinks so. By the way, what’s with having multiple food day deals held very close together? I’m sure it makes sense to someone. As far as I’m concerned, every day is a food day. I’m …
FoodChat Questions
Last night was the monthly FoodChat conversation on Twitter. It was the first time I’ve moderated one of these. Although I saw some familiar “faces” it was mostly a new group than who you’ll find on AgChat. Thanks to everyone who participated. It ran very smooth and Twitter cooperated and that always helps. The whole conversation will be archived on …