2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FFA Encourages Students to #SpeakAg

Kelly Marshall

The National FFA Organization is encouraging students to share how they are growing their knowledge of agriculture with a social media challenge entitled Members may participate by tweeting or instagraming a photo, video or story of how they are using knowledge gained in the classroom, from an SAE project or other FFA activity to inform their communities.  Once they’ve posted …

Ag Groups, FFA, Social Media

Play Real Yield Game – Bayer Contributes to Local FFA

Chuck Zimmerman

Did you know that for every Real Yield Game you play Bayer will make a donation to your local FFA on your behalf? Yep. Here’s how you play: Visit www.realyieldgame.com and click on the promotion link. 1. Complete all fields in the registration or log-in process. 2. Select five fields in the game area to spray Liberty® to reveal incremental …

Agribusiness, Bayer, FFA, Video

60,000 Expected for National FFA Conference

Kelly Marshall

This is the last of the three-year visit of the National FFA Convention & Expo to Louisville.  Starting October 24 the guests will converge on the city to experience the event, with more than 60,000 expected. “Amplify” is the theme for this year’s convention and expo. “With the opportunities we are given in our lives, we must take action and …

Ag Groups, Events, FFA

National FFA Sets Membership Record

Kelly Marshall

More than ever agriculture needs a passionate, skilled and educated generation ready to fight global hunger and expand sustainability.  The National FFA Organization is ready and expanding. Today, FFA membership stands at 629,367 students, up from 610,240 in 2014, an increase of 3 percent. The number of chapters grew from 7,665 in 2014 to 7,757 in 2015. The top five …

Ag Groups, FFA

CSX, Bayer Provide National FFA Awards

Kelly Marshall

80 FFA chapters nationwide have created a plan for their communities in case of natural or environmental disaster.  These emergency preparedness plans will now receive funding, up to $2,000, to make them a reality. The funds were provided by the National FFA Organization’s Living to Serve: Environmental or Natural Disaster/Emergency Preparedness Grant Program.  These grants are made are provided by CSX and …

Bayer, Environment, FFA

FFA Awards 1000th Gift of Blue Jacket

John Davis

A California FFA member is the proud owner of his very own blue jacket, thanks to the group’s Give the Gift of Blue Program. This news release from FFA says Casey Custer, a junior, who attends Waterford High School in Waterford, California, was the proud recipient of the 1,000 FFA jacket through the program. FFA has more than 610,000 members …


FMC Announces Exclusive FFA Sponsorship

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning FMC announced a greater commitment to farming’s future by becoming sole sponsor of the National FFA Agriscience Research – Plant Systems Proficiency Awards for 2015. The awards recognize outstanding high school students’ active research and experimentation in the production of plants, animals and related processes. “We continue to look for ways to encourage students – our future crop …

Agribusiness, FFA, FMC

AgriCorps: Youth is the Solution

Lizzy Schultz

During Tuesday’s lunch session at Ag Media Summit, participants listened to a special presentation on the future of agriculture in Africa, and the potential it holds for both economic prosperity for millions of impoverished youth, and answers to the greatest challenge humanity will face yet: How farmers are going to feed an additional three billion people by the year 2050. …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Education, FFA, Food, International

FFA + CSX Team Up To Hit the Track at the Brickyard

Jamie Johansen

The Brickyard 400 will make history once again this year as the No. 38 FFA + CSX Living to Serve Ford becomes the first car to represent the 87-year-old, Indianapolis-based agricultural education and youth service organization, the largest of its kind with more than 610,240 student members interested in agriculture, as a primary sponsor in a NASCAR race. “I can’t …

Ag Groups, Education, FFA, NASCAR