Springtime in Massachusetts means the whistling of Emus at this farm. According to a news release it’s egg hatching time at Songline Emu Farm. The release is a good description of how the whole process work.
Humane Society Takes on Factory Farming
I can remember visiting a local humane society as a kid to get a puppy to raise at home. So I used to have this image of the organization as one that took in stray, lost or abandoned animals and found them a home. Of course the Humane Society of the United States has long since moved on.
BIO President On Ag & Renewable Fuel
The President of BIO, Jim Greenwood (l) and Chairman, Jim Mullen (r), made some remarks to the press this morning.
New Ag Day Materials Available
Winter is almost over and that means we’re getting close to Ag Day. If you want to promote it on your website you can download several new banners that were created by CHS and Colle+McVoy. You can find them here.
Are Older Farmers Using The Internet More?
I’ve been meaning to post this for a few days. You get busy, the emails pile up, you know how it is. After reading this article on MarketingVox I wonder how the same study would apply to farmers.
Computers On The Missouri Farm
I wonder is this type of conference is being done in other states. Here in Missouri this weekend farmers can attend a “Compuers On The Farm” conference. You can see the program here.
Yonder In The Pawpaw Patch
How many of you know about the Pawpaw? It’s a native American fruit. I can’t say I’ve had any experience with it. Apparently there are efforts to bring it “back.” I don’t know from where but after reading about it I’d sure like to try some.
A-Mazing Family Fun At Geisler Farms
This is a-mazing. And a really cool corn maze. Darrell Geisler is not only a corn grower but now he’s into agritourism. The eight-acre maze provides a rural adventure for visitors. “As our area becomes more urban, we wanted to provide a place for our neighbors to experience the farm and understand agriculture’s impact on our local economy since we are just 14 miles northeast of Des Moines,” Geisler said. “Plus, the corn maze has made it easier for my daughter and son-in-law to get involved in the family business. My daughter designed the corn maze, which maps out a scarecrow, barn, field and sponsor logos, including NK® Brand Seeds.”
United Nations of Horticulture
I thought you might be interested in this story in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, about east coast farmers planting “ethnic” veggies like, n’goyo, njilu, ichiban, habanero peppers, callalou, gboma, fufu and egusi. They apparently can’t grow them fast enough to satisfy the demand for immigrants from other countries!
Heads Up You Lonely Farmers
This is just too funny but serious. I just received a news release (through PR Web) for FarmersOnly.com, a dating service for farmers. I might have to do a ZimmCast with this guy. For now I’ll just leave it that I’ve brought it to your attention.