I don’t think I’ve ever done a post on FarmWebDesign although Jane Eckert mentioned it in a ZimmCast interview. Jane is the agritourism expert and she’s now been in the web design business for a while with a focus on farms.
Organic Vegetable Farmers Blogging
If you’ve always wondered about organic vegetable farming there’s a farm apprenticeship available at Old Shaw’s Farm in Vermont. The link will take you to the farm blog which was started by the former attorneys who decided to get away from all that stuff and move out into the country.
Skype Me Some Berries Please
You know I’m a growing fan of Skype which allows you to make phone calls on your computer. The company has some stories that customers have shared about their use of Skype. A motivated Skype user and AgWired fan pointed me to one called, “From little things, big things grow.” It’s about Jerald Downs who runs his own produce export company, Premier Pac, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Here’s what Skype does for him in his words.
Podcasting To Peru Farmers
Not all farm podcasts have to be downloaded onto a digital audio player. I just found a story from earlier this year on bbc.co.uk. In Peru, telecentres (local broadcasting outlets) are subscribing to farm podcasts to obtain the information so they can broadcast it. The organization behind it is Practical Action.
Pea Blogging Expert
This is a picture of a lot of peas. And there’s more where that came from. That’s because Colin Wright is blogging about the pea harvest.
Agricultural Scenery On The Highway
Hello from Salt Lake City. So far on this cross country convoy I haven’t seen a lot of agriculture. However, there was this crop duster in action.
Reaching Farmers By Mobile Phone
This week it’s time to talk about the phone, mobile phones to be precise. What better way to deliver information to farmers? Lots, you think? Think again. At least I think you will after you listen to this week’s ZimmCast.
Learning To Bee Farm
When I was passing through Georgia last week I was invited to but didn’t make the “Learn elements of sustainable ag at lunch” outdoor seminar on “Beekeeping” in Jasper County. My brother went with a couple of his kids though and talked the extension agent into sending me a pic and some information. Actually she is still sending along a summary which I’ll add to this post when I get it. Thanks Dr. Jean C. Walter, Jasper County Extension CEC.
Manage Your Farm Energy Risk
With all the buzz about energy and fuel costs small and limited resource farmers as well as any producers might be interested in USDA’s “Energy In Agriculture, Managing The Risk” conference in Kansas City, MO on June 27-28.
Brother, How Art Thy Hobby
I’m slowly making my way back home to Missouri from south Florida. Chelsea (on of my college daughters) and I are spending today out in rural Georgia on my brother’s farm. We hear so much today about hobby farming and I’ve got a great resource to watch and learn from.