GROWMARK CEO Jeff Solberg is very pleased with response to the FS Green Plan Solutions program to help growers discover new methods that will help them attain maximum yields. I had a chance to chat with Jeff as he attended the Pursuit of Maximum Yields (POMY) grower event last week in Collinsville, Illinois. He told me that the program is …
National Farm-City Week Symposium Topic Announced
“Childhood Obesity: The School Lunchroom Debate,” will be the 2011 topic of the annual National Farm-City Week Symposium held at the Griffin Gate Marriott, Lexington, Ken., on Thursday, Nov. 17. The public is invited to attend. The purpose of this symposium will be to explore the issues around childhood obesity in the United States and how it can be managed …
Not Your Typical Tractor Show
Looking for a tractor show that is a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll? Than look no further than the upcoming 2011 Cambridge Tractor Show and Ag Day that will be held on Saturday, August 6 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm in Cambridge, Illinois. There are not only lots of tractors “through the ages” to …
Growing AgCareers
There’s never been a better time for careers in agribusiness with a bigger variety of jobs that span the spectrum from production to promotion. “I just feel like it’s a very exciting time to be in agribusiness,” says Eric Spell, president of He should know, since they have been specializing in human resource services to the agriculture and food …
Join us at InfoAg 2011
InfoAg 2009 was a terrific success. Over 650 participants shared in presentations on a wide range of topics on technology applications and data management and interpretation. As with previous InfoAg Conferences, the networking among participants was again a highlight of the experience. New relationships formed at InfoAg will lead to greater benefits and opportunities for those involved. InfoAg 2011 will …
AGRITECHNICA Will Feature Smart Farming
Agricultural equipment and machinery manufacturers are implementing more advanced electronics into their products these days to help farmers become ever more efficient. That’s why “Smart Farming” will have its own special segment at Agritechnica 2011, November 15-19 in Germany. During the 2011 Commodity Classic, I had a chance to chat with our friends Malene Conlong and Annette Reichhold with DLG …
NFocus Forums for Agribusiness in August
Major corn and soybean producers and agribusiness suppliers will convene this August for the NFocus Forums for Agribusiness. “We are providing the opportunity for 30 to 40 large-acreage corn and soybean producers to meet in one-on-one private sessions with key suppliers,” says Kim Nicholson, managing partner of NFocus Partners, LLC. “With the number of producers farming 5,000 acres or more …
Keynote Speakers for Animal Ag Conference Announced
Leaders in research and industry will headline the upcoming 2011 Annual Conference of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture, April 11-14th, 2011, in San Antonio, Texas, as they talk about how to feed a world that’s expected to need nearly twice as much food in 2050 than what is needed today. To discuss this issue (and more), NIAA will feature …
American Farmland Trust Invites You to “Dine Out for Farms” this Week
Need a good excuse to dine out this week? Well, the American Farmland Trust invites you to have a meal out on the town in support of farms in this country now through October 16th: “We hope that many consumers will be a friend to farms and join us at the table during the national Dine Out for Farms™ week …
Solar Apps for Ag Featured in ‘Down on the Farm Solar Tour’
Mississippi Solar is getting excited for the National Solar Tour, an event that showcases solar energy for ag applications, home buyers, businesses, and everyone in between. The event is overseen by the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), and this year more than 650 tours are already scheduled for early October. This is the second year that Mississippi Solar will participate …