One Way To Harvest Corn Cobs

Chuck Zimmerman

That’s a big pile of corn cobs. It’s just one of many that POET has made during all their research and testing ways to make ethanol out of them. One thing I can tell you is that farmers need some equipment to handle this leftover product of harvesting grain. That’s why there are several farm equipment manufacturers working with POET …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, John Deere

Farmer Perspective on Corn Cob Harvest

Chuck Zimmerman

When you’re attending a farm event it’s always nice to get a farmer’s perspective on things. That’s what I did at the POET Project LIBERTY field day when I spoke with Todd Mathisen who farms just east of Emmetsburg, IA. I asked him what he thought of POET’s idea to harvest corn cobs for cellulosic ethanol production. He said, “I …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Farming

Pile Up Your Corn Cobs

Chuck Zimmerman

The Director of Project LIBERTY for POET is Jim Sturdevant. He oversees all the activities across the company that are “pulling together to transform this ethanol plant into one of the nation’s first cellulosic ethanol plants.” The plant he’s referring to is POET’s Emmetsburg facility where they held a field day yesterday. He says they intend to replicate what they’re …

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Ethanol

Corn Cobs Into Ethanol

Chuck Zimmerman

Jeff Broin is CEO of POET and his company just continues to make innovations in the ethanol production business. Lately they’ve been very focused on what they call Project LIBERTY. The goal is to make cellulosic ethanol out of corn cobs. The company held a field day to showcase some of the equipment that companies like John Deere, Case IH …

Audio, Ethanol

Night POETry

Chuck Zimmerman

I never get tired of taking sunset pictures. This is one from the highway just east of Des Moines, IA on my way to Emmetsburg this evening. You can see that the clouds were rolling in and they’re here now. It’s raining and thundering and lightning outside. I hope this all clears away by tomorrow morning since we’re supposed to …



Chuck Zimmerman

I think the last time I was in Emmetsburg, IA it was to visit with a local radio station for the Brownfield Network. It’s been a while. Well, that’s where I’m headed to attend tomorrow’s POET Project LIBERTY field day. The main purpose of this year’s event is to highlight advances in corn cob harvesting for cellulosic ethanol. I’ll be …

Agribusiness, Ethanol

Schafer Addresses Farm Foundation Conference

John Davis

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer has just finished addressing the folks attending the latest Farm Foundation’s Transition to a Bioeconomy Conference going on in St. Louis, Mo. Schafer reminded the crowd how hard the current administration has worked to promote the biofuels field in this country, and thus, how hard it had worked to help the farmers who are …

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Farm Foundation

Conversations at World Food Prize

Cindy Zimmerman

Panel discussions at the World Food Prize Norman Borlaug Symposium in Des Moines are called “conversations” and one on Wednesday focused on the “Promises and Challenges of Next-Generation Science and Technology.” Among the presenters was Brazil’s former minister of agriculture Roberto Rodrigues, co-chair of the International Biofuels Commission who made a very compelling case that both food and fuel production …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biotech, Ethanol, International, World Food Prize

Making Sustainable Ethanol By Managing the Water

John Davis

The amount of water that goes into growing the corn that goes into ethanol has been a big topic of conversation between those for and against production of the green fuel.  That’s why it is a topic of conversation at the Farm Foundation’s Transition to a Bioeconomy: Environmental and Rural Impacts Conference in St. Louis this week. This gathering of …

Ethanol, Farm Foundation

World Food Dialogue for Solutions

Cindy Zimmerman

Even though the word “crisis” is being used liberally here at the World Food Prize Norman Borlaug Symposium, there is a great deal of focus on solutions to feeding a growing global population. The “Global Agricultural Crisis of the 21st Century” was the topic of the keynote speaker for the symposium kickoff, Sir Gordon Conway, who is chief scientific adviser …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biotech, Ethanol, International, Soybean, World Food Prize