2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

MachineFinder Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

What’s new in used farm equipment can be found on the redesigned John Deere MachineFinder. They’ve also announced a blog to go along with it. Interesting . . . John Deere announces that it has completely overhauled and redesigned its MachineFinder™ website (www.MachineFinder.com) from the ground up to make it easier for used equipment customers to more quickly find the …

Agribusiness, Equipment, John Deere

Farm Podcaster Temptations

Chuck Zimmerman

Hey farm podcasters. Have you been wanting a new digital audio recorder? Marantz is offering some temptations. First of all there’s a rebate program for the very popular PMD620 (Cindy and I each have one). If you purchase it between now and March 31st you get a $100 rebate. That’s a deal. I recommend purchasing from BSW. Then to tempt …

Equipment, Video

Greased Lightning Awarded By AFBF and New Holland

Chuck Zimmerman

As a gadget, I mean cool tools, kind of guy I thought this was a great invention idea and it won an award at the American Farm Bureau Federation convention. Daniel Prough of LaGrange, Ind., earned the grand prize in the Farmer Idea Exchange competition at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 90th annual meeting. Prough won a year’s use of …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Equipment, New Holland, Tractor

Satellite TV For Your Car (or Tractor?)

Chuck Zimmerman

Kurt has a great post on our Precision Pays website that I thought I’d share with you. How about this for an extravagant non-ag precision gizmo? Among the many high-tech product launches at the recent SEMA (automotive specialty products) show was this AT&T Cruisecast satellite TV for your car–through a unique roof-top antenna developed by AT&T and RaySat. For a …

Equipment, Precision Agriculture

iPhone Apps I Like

Chuck Zimmerman

It seems like a growing number of people I run in to have an iPhone. So I’ve been getting some questions about the apps that I’m using. I thought I’d just list them for you and invite you to post your own. These are links to the apps in the iTunes Store. NetNewsWire: Great news feed reader which syncs with …


New Farm Podcaster Tools

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time to take an agriblogging break. But first I thought I’d let you farm podcasters know about a couple new products you might want to check out. First up is the Incipio Lloyd Microphone for iPod Nano. Lloyd allows you to use your nano 4G as a personal assistant and note taker by unlocking the powerful voice recording capabilities …

Equipment, Podcasts

Gifts For Ag Communications Professionals

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s a little icy here in mid Missouri this morning. We’ve got about 7 degrees with a -10 wind chill. How ’bout that global warming! Have you got finished your Christmas gift list yet? Of course, that’s not the real reason for the season but you wouldn’t be able to tell from the news lately. It’s all about the money …


New Agriblogging Tool

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay, so I can post today. But we’re still moving to a new server. In the meantime I’ve acquired a new agriblogging tool. The ZimmComm iPhone has landed. It’s a white 16GB monster that’s ready to rock this week on the road. I also got a new bluetooth headset since I guess I just wore out the old one which …


Vermeer Cob Harvester

Chuck Zimmerman

I saw one of these bad boys at the POET Project LIBERTY field day recently although I didn’t get to speak with anyone at Vermeer about it. It is the Vermeer CCX770 Cob Harvester, a wagon-style corn cob collection system which enables farmers to harvest corn and cobs simultaneously. The Vermeer CCX770 Cob Harvester is designed to tow immediately behind …

Corn, Equipment

Dueling Press Conferences on the Road

Cindy Zimmerman

Chuck is out hunting with no internet access, I am on location covering the Cellulosic Ethanol Summit and two groups decide to have dueling telephone press conferences. What’s a blogger to do? What I did was put my cell phone on speaker and record it on to my mini Marantz. Worked out pretty well too – not all broadcast quality, …

Equipment, Ethanol, Food