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Ayrmesh Now Powering ZimmComm Internet

Chuck Zimmerman

I have a working Ayrmesh hub now working at ZimmComm World Headquarters. As I posted recently this is a product that creates what is affectionately called “free range internet.” Made by Ayrstone Productivity, the Ayrmesh creates a strong, stable internet wifi cloud, which if placed properly can go a long distance. By adding additional hubs that range can be extended …

Audio, Equipment, Internet

Christmas Gadgets

Chuck Zimmerman

So what kind of cool gadgets did you get for Christmas. Actually, I meant to say “tools” instead of gadgets. They can be tools if used properly! I’ll start with the Apple TV. I got one that will be replacing my original unit. Of course that means I will have to have the Remote app for my iPad and iPhone …


Free Range Internet Via Ayrstone AyrMesh

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a company that I did not get to talk with at the recent NAFB convention Trade Talk session. However, the Ayrstone AyrMesh seemed very interesting and I thought I’d bring it to your attention. It sounds good and maybe ZimmComm World Headquarters could use it to improve our wifi experience! If you’ve used one please leave a comment about …

Equipment, Internet

Tech Savvy Farm Journalists

Chuck Zimmerman

During the NAFB convention last week I conducted a session on new technology titled, “Tech Savvy – The Latest and Greatest Tools for Broadcasters.” Joining me was John Lynch, BSW USA. We both showcased a variety of new digital tools for communications with a focus on portability and for use in the field. Of course in farm communications, field means …

Equipment, NAFB

Farm Podcaster Tool

Chuck Zimmerman

The iPhone 4 really shoots good video but can be very hard to hold steady. Now there’s a new solution with a cool name, OWLE Bubo. It’s a holder for the iPhone that provides not only better stabilization but tripod mount, forward facing microphone and best of all IMO, a wide angle lens. This thing is strange looking but extremely …


New Holland Commitment To Tier IV

Chuck Zimmerman

I have participated in a seminar on the new Tier IV engine requirements which go into effect this coming January and found myself very lost. I’m not that kind of engineer. To help understand it better I spoke with New Holland’s Sean Dorosz at the Farm Progress Show. Pictured is a New Holland T9 Series Tractor that will support the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Tractor

Crank Up Your Flip Audio

Chuck Zimmerman

Speaking of Flip cameras. I’ll bet you were speaking of them after seeing them earlier today on AgWired. It’s a little bit of a gadget Monday to get you started on your farm communications and marketing week. You know who your gadget guru is don’t you? So, if you’ve been wondering how to record better audio on your Flip it …


There’s A New Flip In Town

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s say you want some ultra HD video on the go, simple and very portable. Flip has updated their revolutionary video cameras, including the new Flip UltraHD. Smooth, crystal-clear HD video that looks incredible under any condition – no complicated settings required. UltraHD now features image stabilization and double the frame rate so your videos look as stunning as the …


Farm Podcasting Tool

Chuck Zimmerman

The good ones are getting smaller and cheaper. One of the questions I get asked most often is about what gadgets I recommend for today’s new media world. Well, add this one to the list. The TASCAM DR-03 might just be one of the handiest tools in your mobile journalism kit. The ultra-portable DR-03 is TASCAM’s most affordable recorder yet! …

Equipment, Podcasts