2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Podcaster Tools

Chuck Zimmerman

For you farm podcasters who want to turn your iPhone (or or other smartphone) into a work tool, here are a couple of products that can help. I conduct many interviews posted here using my iPhone and the Voice Memo app. The microphone on the iPhone is excellent. But, it does pick up a lot of room noise and you …


Farm Podcaster Tool

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello farm podcasters. How many of you really like using your iPhone to record interviews? How many of you wish you could plug in your own microphone? Sometimes that would be best, like in a noisy room. It would also be handy to plug in the audio from a mult box during a press conference or other presentation too. I’m …


Lightsquared Solution To GPS Concerns Not Well Received By Industry

Chuck Zimmerman

Yesterday Lightsquared announced a “solution” to concerns over interference with GPS systems from it’s proposed wireless broadband network. LightSquared™, a wholesale carrier building a nationwide wireless broadband network that will create consumer choice and industry innovation, has signed an agreement with Javad GNSS Inc. to develop a system that will eliminate related interference issues for high-precision GPS devices. The Javad …

Equipment, Internet

Farm Podcaster Tool

Chuck Zimmerman

The range and choice of tools available to today’s farm podcaster is getting bigger. Here’s the latest from TASCAM. The DR-40 looks like a good choice if you’re looking for affordability and features. The adjustable mics, four-track recording and extended battery life of the TASCAM DR-40 give you the flexibility you need to record tracks anywhere. The DR-40 captures up …


New From New Holland

Chuck Zimmerman

During the New Holland press conference at last week’s Farm Progress Show we learned what’s new. Abe Hughes, New Holland Agriculture Sales & Marketing Vice President introduced three members of the team to talk about their market segments and products. We heard from Ed Barry, New Holland Cash Crop Marketing Manager; Mike Cornman, New Holland Hay and Forage Segment Marketing …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Video

John Deere Introduces Machine Sync

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere unveiled a product that you couldn’t see on the show floor at this week’s product launch. It’s called Machine Sync. This new technology provides “timely, critical information on equipment location, operational status and automates equipment during harvest.” “Having real-time data is critical for equipment operators during harvest,” says Holli Brokaw, AMS product manager for John Deere. “Our new …

Audio, Equipment, John Deere, Video

John Deere is Accelerating Growth

Chuck Zimmerman

This evening John Lagemann, John Deere Vice President, Sales & Marketing — United States/Canada/Australia/New Zealand for the Agriculture and Turf Division, welcomed us to the biggest product launch in the history of the company. The ag media along with a large crowd of dealers got a great show and then had the opportunity to take to the floor to get …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, Tractor

iPhone vs. Android/Thunderbolt

Chuck Zimmerman

iPhone or Android? That is the question. It’s pretty easy to answer in my opinion. I’ve had an AT&T iPhone since they came out and earlier this year I got a Verizon HTC Thunderbolt (4G). The iPhone wins this comparison hands down. Even the AT&T network seems improved, which was a major complaint I used to have for it. Here’s …


Make Your iPad Do A Handstand

Chuck Zimmerman

How about a customized “Handstand” for your iPad? I’ve been trying one out. This is a new way to handle and hold your favorite tablet. They’re made for both the iPad and iPad 2. I’ve just started using the Handstand which is made by Hub International. Some of my first impressions include that it’s very sturdy and light weight. The …
