2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Survey Says Ag Machinery Market Still Weak

Kelly Marshall

Agrievolution Alliance recently released  their fall survey of more than 6,000 manufacturers worldwide showing the majority believe the market is still weak.  The report shows a 3 point decline from their April report. China and India buck the trend, showing positive growth in agriculture equipment manufacturing.  For other countries, results show no clear future trend. Taking new orders as future …

AEM, Agribusiness, Equipment

Book Review & Contest – Combines with Casey & Friends

Joanna Schroeder

There is a new strategy this year for “Black Friday” that I’m coining “StayFriday” where one does his/her holiday shopping from home. And today I’m offering up a great gift idea that you can purchase online for the little ones in your life: “Combines” written by Holly DuFek and illustrated by Paul E. Nunn. What better way to review a …

Case IH, Equipment

Bipartisan Bill Helps Farmers & Machinery

Jamie Johansen

U.S. Senators Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) have introduced bipartisan legislation, supported by both the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Farmers Union, to help farmers purchase new equipment and replace worn-out machinery by amending the U.S. tax code to permanently set a five-year depreciation schedule for certain agricultural equipment. The current tax code sets a seven-year …

Ag Groups, Equipment, Farm Policy

Check out the My New Holland Mobile App

Joanna Schroeder

Our phones are king and we get loads of information through them and now you can access additional agriculture information via New Holland’s My New Holland app. My New Holland is a personalized space for New Holland customers and a user can access instructional videos, operating and maintenance tips from New Holland product experts, educational white papers, and more. “Our …

Apps, Equipment, Farming, New Holland, Precision Agriculture

MachineryLink Becomes MachineryLink Solutions

Kelly Marshall

MachineryLink continues to better serve growers with new products and services.  Now they are announcing the addition of MachineryLink Sharing to that list.  The site is agriculture’s first peer-2-peer online sharing community.  Growers, retailers, and professionals can list their equipment for use during its idle-time and see what others are sharing when they need assistance. “People helping people is what MachineryLink …

Agribusiness, Equipment

New Holland Increases Support for WDE

Lizzy Schultz

The New Holland team is making a huge presence at this year’s World Dairy Expo, which is being held for the second year in the state of the art New Holland Pavillon at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. The new facilities make it much easier for exhibitors to house the 2100 cows that attend the show by consolidating …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, World Dairy Expo

US Equipment Exports Decline by 16%

Kelly Marshall

The first half of 2015 showed a drop of 16 % in the exports of U.S.-made agricultural equipment as compared to 2014.  In total $4 billion were shipped to global markets. Exports to Europe dropped 31% and South America was down 30%.  Markets in Asia grew by 19% and sales were up in Central America as well. The second quarter of …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Exports, International

Case IH Launches Optum Tractor Series

Lizzy Schultz

Case IH beefed up its forage lineup this month with the new Optum tractor series, which was publicly launched at the 2015 Farm Progress Show. The Optum tractor joins the company’s complete line of hay and forage equipment, including updates across its Puma® and Maxxum® series offerings. “The Optum is targeted to be a heavy duty haying tractor, for those …

Case IH, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, Forage, Harvest, Hay, Tractor

Camso the Road Free Company

Chuck Zimmerman

It seems like tracks are becoming more popular on large equipment these days. Like the new John Deere 9RX four track machine. Guess who makes those tracks? The answer – Camso. Let me introduce the company to you. Last week the company announced this new name. Prior to the name change there were two companies Camoplast and Solideal. You can …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, ZimmCast

New Holland in the Farm Progress Field

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Progress Show field demos are underway this year. Some might say, “Finally!” That’s because they have been canceled the last couple years. Here’s a New Holland CR combine in the field followed by a tractor pulling one of their new large round balers. Lizzy gets credit for this picture. Jamie shot video of the combine for your viewing pleasure. …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Video