2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New LPG Applications Website Introduced

Cindy Zimmerman

2014 World LP Gas Forum Photo Album Will Ferrell would have been pleased with the “more cowbell” that rang in the new LPG Application Website – lpg.apps.org – as it went live at approximately 2:30 pm Eastern time on Tuesday at the World LP Gas Forum in Miami. Ringing the cowbell to introduce the website were Andrew Ford of SHV …

Energy, Propane, Video

Bienvenido a World LP Gas Forum

Cindy Zimmerman

Welcome to Miami and the 27th annual World LP Gas Forum! I’ve been to the International Poultry Expo and the World Pork Expo and similar events with global attendance here in the United States, but the vast majority of attendees are always from this country. Not so here at the WLPGF. The World LP Gas Association has members in 130 …

Audio, Energy, Propane

GROWMARK Highlights 2014 Achievements

John Davis

A new report from GROWMARK highlights the company’s achievements in the fields of agronomy and energy production during the past year. This company news release says Fiscal Year 2014 was in the top five income years in company history, with volume records in agronomy and energy products coupled with significant investments in information management technology and infrastructure improvements leading to …

Agribusiness, Agronomy, Energy, GROWMARK

PERC Calculators Estimate Propane Cost Savings

Cindy Zimmerman

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has just released a suite of cost calculator tools for customers in three of the industry’s fastest-growing markets: agriculture, commercial landscape, and on road fleets. The calculators are designed to estimate potential fuel savings and ROI with clean, American-made propane when compared with conventional fuels like gasoline and diesel. “At PERC, we’ve have …

Audio, Energy, Irrigation, Propane

Talking Advanced Biofuels in Minneapolis

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from Minneapolis and the National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo. This is the first of two stops for me this week before heading back to ZimmComm World Headquarters. The first panel of the conference is moderated by Tim Portz, VP of Content, BBI International. This panel, talking about “Assessing the Health of Federal Biofuels Policy and Its Long Term …

Audio, Biofuels, Energy

Come and Play at FS STAR Energy

Cindy Zimmerman

Visit the FS STAR Energy exhibit on lot 1302 at the Farm Progress Show and you can play some cool digital farm games, win some great prizes and learn more about nitrogen management. “Folks can learn about the best seed to plant on their acres, the best fuel to put in their equipment,” said Bev Long, Marketing Communications Manager for …

Audio, Energy, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

STAR Energy Powering up for Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

It takes a lot of energy to power the annual Farm Progress Show and that’s where GROWMARK FS STAR Energy shines. Retail fuel manager Jason Stauffer, who we talked with at the 2010 Farm Progress Show in Iowa, says it takes them awhile to prepare for the event. “It starts about the second or third week in July,” he said. …

Audio, Energy, Farm Progress Show, GROWMARK

AFBF Not Happy With Clean Power Plan

Joanna Schroeder

Last week the Environmental Protection Agency made history when it released its Clean Power Plan proposal – an attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from utility plants by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The EPA already has other pollution regulations (greenhouse gas emissions) on the utility sector. According to the EPA, utility plants are the single largest source …

AFBF, Agribusiness, Energy, Environment

Farmers Use of Electricity on the Rise

Joanna Schroeder

According to a recent Today in Energy, published by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), farmers make up a large share of electricity use in the industrial sector. A significant portion of a growers’ electricity needs is for farm irrigation systems, which are categorized by electric utilities as industrial load. For example, Nebraska is largely rural and agricultural, but it has …

Agribusiness, Energy, Irrigation

National APLU Report Outlines Research Challenges

Jamie Johansen

The national Association of Public and Land-grant Universities released a report outlining six “grand challenges” facing the United States over the next decade in the areas of sustainability water, climate change, agriculture, energy and education. The APLU project was co-chaired by W. Daniel Edge, head of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University. The report is available …

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Environment, Sustainability