RFA Ethanol Podcast

Perception is Reality

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to testing food, it’s all the senses that count, not just taste. “That’s because there’s only about four things we can taste,” says Dr. Ken Prusa with Iowa State University. “Sweet, salty, sour and bitter.” Which makes taste alone a pretty limited factor in the total experience of how we perceive a food. In fact, we use …

Animal Health, Beef, Elanco

Designing Meat Quality Trials

Cindy Zimmerman

Designing trials for a new animal health product to evaluate meat quality is expensive and complicated, according to Dr. Floyd McKeith with the University of Illinois Department of Animal Sciences. He was one of the speakers at a workshop for ag editors this week in Ames, Iowa sponsored by Elanco Animal Health. According to Dr. McKeith, some of the factors …

Animal Health, Beef, Elanco

Elanco Sensory Evaluation Workshop

Cindy Zimmerman

Bringing an animal health product to market requires a lot of testing – not just on how that product affects the animal, but also how it affects the meat that comes from that animal. That’s what a group of farm media folks, including myself, learned about this week at Iowa State University in Ames, courtesy of Elanco Animal Health. Pictured …

Animal Health, Beef, Elanco

Beef Quality Counts

Cindy Zimmerman

“In today’s consumer-driven environment, just one bad beef-eating experience has the potential for long-term impact for all segments of the food chain,” says Dr. Ken Prusa of Iowa State University. I will be hearing about that from Dr. Prusa and colleagues Dr. Floyd McKeith, University of Illinois, and Dr. Keith Belk, Colorado State University, at a sensory briefing and wet …

Beef, Elanco, Media

May I See You Somewhere

Chuck Zimmerman

After a couple days to get caught up (right) it’s time to head out on the highway. Here’s a few of the places you’ll find me in May. This Friday I’ll be in Washington, DC at the National Press Club covering a speech by Bobby Rahal, Rahal-Letterman Racing. He’ll be talking about the Greening of Racing. A topic near and …
