send news release today

A Tour of “Hard Work U”

Cindy Zimmerman

There is a rare treasure nestled in the heart of the Ozarks in Southern Missouri – a college that offers students a degree in hard work. I’ve lived in Missouri for 18 years but never knew about the College of the Ozarks until this week when I joined the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) for a luncheon and tour at …

Audio, Beef, Education, Food, Video

WTF Is Your T-Shirt

Chuck Zimmerman

Today was the first day I’ve worn my WTF shirt. That is Where’s The Food, Without The Farmer? of course. It was fun seeing the reaction from people in the airport, on the plane and in the hotel today traveling to Commodity Classic. I can’t tell you how many people have said, “I saw that on Twitter today.” Thank you …

Ag Groups, Education, University

Student Reporters Sought for Green Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Are you a journalism student who has a passion for the environment? Then don’t miss out on your opportunity to become a roving reporter during the inaugural rEnergize Communications Summit, a gathering of 300 + green public relations experts from around the country. This premiere event is being held May 23-25th in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Three current journalism students will be …

Education, Environment

Illinois Ag Leadership Foundation

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s okay to talk about Mark Bloom. I think he’s actually in Brazil right now with an Illinois Agricultural Leadership Foundation group. Mark is one of the staff members of IALF and he was exhibiting at the recent Chicago Farmers Farmland Investment Fair. Mark says it’s a great time for IALF since they’ve got an overlap in last year’s leadership …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education

Issues, Engagement and Impact

Amanda Nolz

Participating on the panel were three outstanding college students including: Greg Thon, Celeste Laurent and Bailey Albright. As moderator, I asked them several important questions pertaining to the agriculture industry today such as: What do you think are the biggest misconceptions consumers have about where their food comes from? What are the biggest challenges facing young people today? How can …

Ag Leader, Education

Joliet Junior College

Chuck Zimmerman

Joliet Junior College and specifically the Weitendorf Agricultural Education Center was the location of the Chicago Farmers Farmland Investment Fair. I spoke with one of their faculty, Bill Johnson (pictured left), about the school. Bill is one of the many volunteers who work to put on the Fair. He says that the College started that state’s first ag program in …

Audio, Education, University

“My American Farm” Informs Young Consumers

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural literacy is the goal of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s My American Farm virtual education program. DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred is helping to fund the effort with a $500,000 donation to the program, announced during the AFBF annual meeting. “The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has identified a great opportunity for teaching the public about modern …

AFBF, Education, Pioneer

Ag Communications Future Discussed at AG CONNECT Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

Discussing the future of agricultural communications was the job of Orion Samuelson, Jim Evans and Mike Yost today at AG CONNECT Expo. Jim has spent a lifetime in agriculture and Ag communications, as a practitioner and professor at the University of Illinois. The panel took place in Successful Farming’s Innovations Theater where they’ve been doing live webcasts of the presentations. …

Audio, Education, University