2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

GROWMARK Wants More Interns to Stay

Carrie Muehling

GROWMARK would like to see more of their interns to choose a full-time career at the cooperative after completing the internship experience. The Exploring Agriculture program is geared towards community college students and those with an interest in the operational side of GROWMARK’s business. This year a total of 32 interns joined that program, being placed throughout the cooperative’s core …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Education, GROWMARK

National FFA and AgriNovus Indiana Announce Blue Room

Cindy Zimmerman

The National FFA Organization and AgriNovus Indiana have joined together to announce the “Blue Room” will debut at the 2018 National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis Oct. 24-27. The Blue Room is the kickoff to Blue 365, an initiative that will bring this same innovation into classrooms and impact more than 650,000 members nationwide. FFA student members are the …

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Education, FFA


Cindy Zimmerman

The National FFA Organization and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) have signed a memorandum of understanding that will align ASTA’s strategic goals and resources with the three-component model of agricultural education, providing teacher curriculum and resources; supervised agricultural experience support and mentors; and leadership and career development. “This Memorandum of Understanding helps stress the importance of the three-component model …

ASTA, Education, FFA

ZimmCast 588 – Social Networking & Ethanol Education

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I’m going to cover a couple of different topics, although there are some common elements from an educational perspective. First up is Joanna Guza, Digital Communications Manager, Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and Dairy Business Association, as well as volunteer with GMO Answers. We talk about social networking as a tool to reach people about topics like …

Audio, Dairy, Education, Ethanol, Social Networking, ZimmCast

GROWMARK Welcomes Student Interns

Cindy Zimmerman

Forty-one college students are exploring agricultural career opportunities this summer as GROWMARK interns, and another 19 students are taking part in GROWMARK’s summer Exploring Agriculture Internship program. ​The interns are exposed to accounting, marketing, communications, and product and service-related activities. The group kicked off the program at the GROWMARK corporate office on Monday, May 21 and will reconvene in June …

Cooperatives, Education, FS System, GROWMARK

GROWMARK Foundation Announces Scholarship Recipients

Cindy Zimmerman

Fifteen agriculture students have been selected as the second class of recipients of the GROWMARK Foundation scholarship. More than 170 students from across the United States and Ontario, Canada, applied for the award. Applications were evaluated by a panel of agribusiness professionals, and the funds are available for the fall 2019 semester. “Each scholarship is worth 1500 dollars,” says Karen …

Audio, Education, GROWMARK

ZimmCast on Ag Careers and Farm Wifi

Chuck Zimmerman

This week’s program includes two Golden ZimmComm Microphone interviews from #NAMA18 (Agri-Marketing Conference). Featured are Matt Wetterson, Kayla Portwood and Melissa Williams with GROWMARK. Matt talks about his responsibilities with GROWMARK and challenges and opportunities. Kayla and Melissa talk about Ag Careers and how important reaching out to young people who want to work in the industry is to GROWMARK. You’ll …

Audio, Education, Internet, NAMA, Technology, ZimmCast

Talking Agricultural Marketing to UF Students

Chuck Zimmerman

Florida NAMA, the Florida chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association, is working to generate interest in reviving the student chapter (Gator NAMA) at the University of Florida. Our first idea this year was to offer a panel of professional members to talk to students at the College of Agriculture. We appreciate the assistance from Spiro E. Stefanou, Professor and Chair …

Education, NAMA, Video

Ethanol Report on RFA Educational Efforts

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is targeting boaters and future drivers in educational efforts for 2018 with the renewal of its co-title sponsorship of the Crappie Masters Tournament Trail, and the launch of an on-line Ethanol in the Classroom program. In this edition of The Ethanol Report podcast, RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White talks about the importance …

Audio, Education, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

Reinke’s Partnership with NCTA in Curtis

Jamie Johansen

A skilled labor shortage is being addressed by providing student scholarships for workforce training for the manufacturing industry. And that is how Reinke Manufacturing’s partnership with the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis comes into play. Reinke Manufacturing has teamed with NCTA to offer an Irrigation Technician Area of Concentration. This 34-credit, hands-on program helps students obtain knowledge …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Education, Irrigation