2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

iCropTrak 5 Application Goes Native

Joanna Schroeder

iCropTrak 5 has gone native. Cogent3D has released its newest version of iCropTrak and the application now features “on-board” processing for mobile analytics that is based on technology originally developed for the military. This technology is a bit different than many that are based in the “cloud” or on your desktop. According to Cogent3D, iCropTrak version 5 performs all the …

Agribusiness, CropTrak, data, Precision Agriculture

iCropTrak Introduces 60 Second Soil Zoning

Cindy Zimmerman

iCropTrak has released a new mobile farming app with the ability to create a new grower, a new farm, add CLU field boundaries, and soil zones in as little as 60 seconds on an iPad without the need of a desktop or cloud server. According to Cogent 3D president Aaron Hutchinson, this new application means that for the first time, …

CropTrak, Precision Agriculture, Soil, Technology