Bayer Hosts Field Day in Dekalb

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers and retailers gathered near Dekalb, Illinois on Tuesday for the Bayer Innovation Plus Tour. Bayer Technical Development Rep Daren Bohannan says the event focused on corn and soybeans and included presentations on disease observations, selective corn herbicide trials, Balance GT soybeans, ILeVO Seed treatment & PPO Herbicides, Liberty weed control, new Credenz products and more. “We got planted late …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Soybean

Dicamba Concerns Prompt State Actions

Jamie Johansen

*POST UPDATE* 7/14/17 Missouri Department of Agriculture releases Stop Sale, Use or Removal Order for ENGENIA, XTENDIMAX and FEXAPAN herbicides On the heels of Arkansas, Missouri has issued a pause on sale, use, and removal of all products labeled for agricultural use that contain dicamba. As of today, Monday, July 10th, the Missouri Department of Agriculture has had 145 pesticide …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, Soybean

Clariant Ups R&D Support for Agriculture

Kelly Marshall

Clariant is excited to announce their new greenhouse at Clariant Innovation Center (CIC) opened earlier this week. The state-of-the-art greenhouse will offer R&D for crop protection and managment, along with yield-enhancement solutions. The 400sqm greenhouse offers smart simulation of environmental conditions such as humidity, light, rainfall and temperature, creating a proper climate for testing to supplement Clariant’s existing laboratory testing …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Clariant, Crop Protection

MagGrow Brings Innovation to Crop Protection

Kelly Marshall

After three years of developing products, founding member and CEO of MagGrow, Gary Wickham became part of the Pearse Lyons Accelerator just as they were ready to bring their solutions to growers. It was Wickham’s brother who discovered the need that was the mother of this invention. While working in Florida he saw serious flaws with pesticide spray. As a …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Alltech, Audio, Crop Protection

Soybean Growers: Crop Protection Pays Off

Lizzy Schultz

While weed and pest management remains a priority for growers across the country, the latest and most comprehensive crop protection technologies are not cheap to purchase or implement, and many growers have begun to question whether or not it’s going to be possible to see returns on the costs associated with seed treatments, especially with prices remaining so low. Shawn …

Ag Groups, Agronomy, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Research, Soybean

Bayer Talks Policy – Trade, WOTUS, Farm Bill

Jamie Johansen

News from Washington comes daily and every decision in one way, shape or form impacts our agriculture community. The Bayer AgVocacy Form provided a platform for key policy issues to be discussed and Bayer’s Federal Relations and Policy Senior Director, Jim McVaney, shared his insights into the new administration. “The fact that agriculture didn’t play a role in the President’s …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Crop Science, politics

FMC Promotes Cover Crops for Weed Control

Kelly Marshall

Growers will do about anything to control resistant palmer amaranth in the MidSouth region where Matt Wiggins works as a tech service manager for FMC. And while cover crops have been traditionally considered a method of erosion control, FMC has done a lot of work on understanding how they prevent weeds as well. They’re effective because they create a layer …

Audio, cover crops, Crop Protection, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, weed management

BASF Engenia Registered by EPA

Cindy Zimmerman

Late yesterday BASF announced that Engenia™ herbicide has received registration for use in the United States in dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. “Soybean and cotton growers now have a new tool at their disposal to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds,” said Neil Bentley, Director of Marketing, U.S. Crop, BASF. “Engenia herbicide is our most flexible and advanced dicamba for dicamba-tolerant crops. It’s a …

BASF, Crop Protection, weed management

Alltech Acquires Spanish Ag & Hort Crop Company

Jamie Johansen

Alltech has acquired Solbiosur, a specialised agricultural and horticultural crop solutions company in Spain. Solbiosur is a provider of innovative agricultural and horticultural solutions dedicated to improving yield and efficiency for the producer. Solbiosur manufactures and distributes solutions that are respectful to the environment and are cost-beneficial for the producer. “Solbiosur has worked in collaboration with Alltech for the past …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Crop Protection, Nutrition

BASF Provides Zidua® PRO Details at #NAFB16

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF just announced new Zidua® PRO pre-emergent herbicide for soybean farmers earlier this month so Technical Marketing Manager Daniel Waldstein was able to provide the latest details at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) annual Trade Talk. “It’s got three unique chemistries combined together that gives us three different sites of action,” said Waldstein. “That gives us broad …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, NAFB, weed management