2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The suspicious life of a fellowshipper

Chuck Zimmerman

As Chuck posted, Mary and I got a sneak peek of the trade show. This year’s show is featuring over 180 companies in over 645 booths. At 3 (Pacific time) the show will officially open to the press, and yes, Mary and I were able to receive press credentials although we are getting some funny looks from people. Maybe they are confused about our blogging…

Already we’ve seen many of the booths, and I am really impressed on the technology, business strategies and other aspects of this industry being presented.

I am especially looking forward to further investigating a special section about renewable fuels, which is new to the show this year.

Commodity Classic

FFA and John Deere:What a better combination?

Chuck Zimmerman

It is a beautiful Thursday here in Anaheim. We started of the day by going to the National FFA Organization LifeKnowledge breakfast. This was a press conference that allowed the National FFA to announce their LifeKnowledge program that is being implemented into schools across the nation. This had special interest to me because I was a member of the Illinois FFA for five years

Commodity Classic

FFA LifeKnowledge Center Unveiled

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 13The first assignment I gave to my student bloggers was to cover this morning’s FFA Breakfast. The breakfast was FFA’s venue to launch their LifeKnowledge Center for Agricultural Education. This Center is going to be the focal point for FFA’s leadership initiative that not only supports FFA’s core principles but also has the goal of establishing 10,000 quality agricultural science programs by the year 2015.

Mary Irelan took the picture and Margy Fischer did the interview. Margy’s interview is with Michelle Spoelstra, a high school junior at Hanford High School, Hanford, CA. That interview is available here: Listen To MP3 File Michelle Spoelstra Interview (2:12 MP3 File)

Audio, Commodity Classic

A breakfast made possible by the future of ag

Chuck Zimmerman

As expected, I had an early start to my first full day at Commodity Classic. I attended a breakfast hosted by FFA regarding their program LifeKnowledge.

It was the best way to start a day here – with lots of agricultural products. From the orange juice, to the egg quiche, to the French toast with almonds and peaches, our tables celebrated our diverse food supply.

Commodity Classic