2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools

Jamie Johansen

The United Fresh Foundation just announced the new campaign Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools. The goal is to donate salad bars to 350 California schools at the United Fresh 2013 convention in San Diego. The campaign is spearheaded by four California produce industry leaders passionate about increasing children’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. “This is truly a …

Citrus, Education, Food, Produce, Vegetables

2012 Citrus Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

I remember attending Citrus Expo early in the ZimmComm agriblogging history and getting to know my first Nikon DSLR. This was back in 2006, an eternity in the advancement of technology, especially for agricultural communications. You can still see my photos from back then. Now, it’s seven years later and Southeast AgNet blogs it’s own show. Facebook is now an …

Citrus, Media

Precision Tech Detects Citrus Greening Disease

John Davis

A disease causing some real problems for citrus growers in the U.S. is citrus greening disease, also called Huanglongbing or HBL. The bacterial disease poses no threat to humans, but its effect on the trees can be devastating. Discovered in Florida in September 2005, HBL is being closely monitored. But that monitoring can be quite labor intensive and costly. At …

Ag Groups, Audio, Citrus, International, Precision Agriculture, Research

Drink Orange Juice, Be Happy

Chuck Zimmerman

According to new research from the Florida Department of Citrus, drinking orange juice “actually made participants feel positive, carefree and rejuvenated.” Through a patented research process designed to reveal unconscious emotions, consumers shared their thoughts and feelings about orange juice and its role in their lives. Findings showed that while participants view their daily life as a “hard road,” the …

Ag Groups, Citrus, Food

Citrus Expo Trade Show Sold Out

Chuck Zimmerman

The Florida Citrus Expo has a sold out trade show this year and pre-registration is strong. It’s the 19th year of the show. More than 150 exhibitors are scheduled to show off their goods on Aug. 18-19 at the World’s Premier Citrus Expo at the Lee Civic Center in Fort Myers. Attendance is free both days to bona fide grove …

Citrus, Farm Shows

Farmer Dave Blogging About Oranges

Chuck Zimmerman

Farmer Dave down in Florida at Florida Natural Growers has started a blog to fight against imported oranges, called The Orange Diaries. I guess just because they’re not natural from Florida. Actually it’s part of a new multimedia campaign to entice consumers to buy American. So besides their ads they started a blog. According to an article in Citrus Industry, …

Ag Groups, Citrus

New Members for National Mango Board

Laura McNamara

The acting Agriculture Secretary is swiftly exercising his authority. Ag Secretary Chuck Conner has named six new officials to the 20-member National Mango Board. These six appointees were nominated by the Board to fill three importer positions and three foreign producer positions. The members will start their three-year terms beginning on Jan. 1, 2008 and ending Dec. 31, 2010. Newly …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Citrus, Food