RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Beef Board Advertising

Chuck Zimmerman

Things are kind of quiet here today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference since it’s committee meeting after committee meeting. They’re working but that makes it a little challenging to get to talk to and do interviews. However I caught John Dudley before his committee got started. He’s chairman of the Joint Advertising Committee. Their meeting is combined with the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Pre-Conditioning With SureHealth

Chuck Zimmerman

Here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference I learned more about Merial’s SureHealth program by talking with Dr. Van Ricketts. He’s Director of Corporate Accounts for the company. Let me take this opportunity to thank Merial for sponsoring the media room here at the conference. The main message he had here for beef producers had to do with pre-conditioning of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Learning How NCBA Performs Beef Checkoff Work

Chuck Zimmerman

You may know that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association performs work for the Beef Checkoff under various contracts. The man who helps oversee that along with everything else that NCBA does is Terry Stokes, CEO. Terry is being interviewed here by Ron Hayes, Radio Oklahoma Network, in the media room this morning. BTW, Ron was just recently inducted into the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

How The Dairy Checkoff Works

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a little confused about how the different dairy checkoff and promotion groups relate to each other. To help explain that I spoke with Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI). Tom spoke at the joint beef/dairy issues forum held here yesterday. He starts out explaining that DMI is a combination …

Ag Groups, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy

The Synergies of Beef and Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

A little bit of history is being made here in Denver today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. The Cattlemen’s Beef Board is collaborating with the National Dairy Council to put on a joint beef/dairy issues forum. It’s called “Beef & Dairy: Harnessing the Synergies on Nutrition.” Some of the topics include: The New Nutrition Environment: Common Challenges and Opportunities …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy

National Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

To be an ambassador you’ve got to be passionate about your subject. These ladies are definitely that. Pictured are (left-right) Carol Abrahamzon, ANCW, project manager from Minnesota, Joann Strom, South Dakota, Londa Johnson, Minnesota, Amanda Rankin, California and Christie Molinaro, Pennsylvania. I asked them what it means to be a beef ambassador and what they do. One of their most …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Get Your Igenity On

Chuck Zimmerman

The media room here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference is being sponsored once again by Merial. Pictured here are Kevin DeHaan, director of technical services, Igenity, a division of Merial, and Wendy Mayo, Bader Rutter. I talked with Kevin about Igenity and what it can do for cattle producers, both beef and dairy. He says that right now is …

Agribusiness, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference