2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmers New Cash Crop is Clean Energy

Joanna Schroeder

Farmers and small business have found a crop to make them more money – clean energy. This according to a recent report from the Environmental Lay & Policy Center (ELPC) which just released “Farm Energy Success Stories” that demonstrate how a farm or small rural business adopted clean energy technologies and cut energy costs. Much of the monies that made …

Agribusiness, Biofuels, Energy, Farm Policy

Time For A Fuel Change

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’ve ever attended a National Biodiesel Conference then you know Emily Richards and Jason Brock. These music stars are passionate about their belief in renewable fuels and have been regular performers at the conference. This morning they took the stage during the closing general session and played some songs from a new album they’ve put together to promote biodiesel. …

Biofuels, Video

MN Soybean Grower Addresses Biodiesel Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Today’s National Biodiesel Conference general session featured National Biodiesel Board Chairman Ed Hegland. He’s completing his final term as Chairman. He started his comments by reminding everyone that today is the anniversary of daylight savings time which was created to conserve on our energy supply during World War I. It was an innovative idea then and when it comes to …

BASF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Soybean

‘Bout Time For Biodiesel Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

After my presentations tomorrow at the Chicago Farmers Farmland Investment Fair I’ll be off to Dallas for the National Biodiesel Conference and I’ll be the Biodiesel Blogger for the 5th year! I’d like to thank New Holland for their sponsorship of the National Biodiesel Conference Blog this year and their support for the biodiesel industry. You can subscribe to the …

Ag Groups, Biodiesel, Biofuels

Ag and Biofuels Industry React to Renewable Fuel Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

Organizations representing both biofuels and agriculture are pretty happy overall with EPA’s release of final rules for the implementation of the second phase of the Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS2. “We’re pleased the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognizes that corn ethanol provides a distinct advantage over conventional gasoline when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, with a reduction of more …

AFBF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, NCGA

Giant Miscanthus Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

In the growing field of biomass conversion to fuel there’s a plant that Mississippi State University thinks will help farmers and all Americans. It’s Giant Miscanthus and you can follow it on Twitter @GiantMiscanthus. They’ve actually licensed the product which is Freedom Giant Miscanthus that’s being marketed by Sunbelt Biofuels LLC. On the show floor at AG CONNECT Expo to …

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol

Best Bioenergy Feedstocks Highlighted at AG CONNECT

Joanna Schroeder

The Bioenergy Feedstocks session was a good value during the AG CONNECT Expo last week in Orlando, Fla. There were three main topics: winter and double crops, perennial energy grasses and the types of public policy needed to ensure second generation biofuels. Dr. Tom Richard, Associate Professor with Pennsylvania State University, kicked off the session discussing the agricultural value of …

Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol

One Pass Biomass From AGCO

Chuck Zimmerman

AGCO is one of the companies working on a prototype biomass harvest/transport system. At POET’s Project LIBERTY Field Day they demonstrated a pulled behind baler system to harvest corn cobs and stover. Dean Morrell, Product Marketing Manager for Hay and Forage Harvesting, was on site and talked with me about their system. He says it’s a one pass system which …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Equipment, Ethanol, Technology

Biomass Harvesting From Case IH

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the companies exhibiting their developmental corn cob harvest/collection equipment at the POET Project LIBERTY Field Day was Case IH. Representing them again this year was Sam Acker, pictured sitting in their booth during the speeches. I spoke to him to find out what’s new with Case IH in this area this year. Sam says they’re demonstrating an Axial-Flow …

Agribusiness, Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Energy, Equipment, Ethanol, Video

IOWA Invests In Project LIBERTY

Chuck Zimmerman

Corn growers heard from Iowa Lt. Governor Patty Judge at POET’s Project LIBERTY Field Day. She said, “We are seeing for ourselves that cellulosic ethanol is here, that it is viable and that it will transform renewable fuel as we know it today”. It was a cold, breezy day and she talked General Wesley Clark out of his jacket. She …

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol