RFA Ethanol Podcast

Obama Signs Bill Giving Death Tax Relief

Cindy Zimmerman

President Obama held a public signing ceremony for the tax bill passed by Congress this week that delivers early Christmas presents for everyone, giving farmers and ranchers good reason to be thankful this holiday season. Securing meaningful estate tax reform for farm and ranch families has been a top priority for the American Farm Bureau Federation. “We commend President Obama …

AFBF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCBA, NCGA, RFA

Farm Bureau: Republicans Not Bad for Agriculture

John Davis

While some are worried that the new fiscal hawks who were elected as the Republicans swept control of the U.S. House will be bad for agricultural interests in this country, the American Farm Bureau Federation says the shift to the right doesn’t necessarily mean the wrong path for farm policies. “I know there’s people in the press who have said, …

AFBF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, NAFB

Book Review – The Food Wars

Joanna Schroeder

This week I read a book about the ongoing discussions regarding the causes of the food crisis. It should come as no surprise that several of the main reasons the globe is in the midst of a food crisis, according to a The Food Wars author Walden Bello, are commodity speculation, biofuels, increased demand for food in Asia brought on …

Agribusiness, Biofuels, Farm Policy

Fives Minutes with Farm Progress Fuel Sponsor Star Energy

Joanna Schroeder

The Farm Progress Show last week was a huge success, especially for the Farm Progress Show 2010 fuel sponsor Star Energy. They provided all the biodiesel, along with FS Companies of Iowa and Renewable Energy Group (REG). This is the company’s second year providing fuel for all the farm equipment along with generators and such things as gators with Dieselex …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows

Iowa Corn Fed Game Day Pump Rallies

Joanna Schroeder

If you live in Iowa, then you understand the frenzy that surrounds the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game. The Iowa Corn Growers Association surely does and realized that this game is a great way to educate Iowans about how many products are made with corn – more than 4,000. Some of the everyday products made with corn include toothpaste, …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn

AllzymeSSF Making Dried Distillers Grains More Valuable

Chuck Zimmerman

At last week’s Alltech International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium I learned about what the company is doing in the area of making DDGS, a by-product of ethanol production, more nutritious from Brian Hoskins, SSF Development Coordinator. Allzyme® SSF is a natural complex that improves profitability through maximizing nutrient release. In feed, the complex works synergistically to break down the …

Alltech, Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol

Till, Baby, Till

Cindy Zimmerman

It may not be very conservation-minded, but it’s still a clever slogan that makes a great t-shirt. The credit for “Till, Baby, Till” goes to SynGest, Inc, the company behind the t-shirt and the website where you can buy it. SynGest CEO Jack Oswald a “Till Baby Till” chant as he delivered the keynote address at the 2010 International Biomass …

Biofuels, Corn, Farming

Growth Energy Launches National Ethanol TV Ad Campaign

Chuck Zimmerman

This is interesting. Growth Energy (a ZimmComm client) has just announced via live web stream that they’re also launching a national ethanol tv ad campaign. “For too long, we have allowed our opponents to define who we are. That ends today,” said Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy. America’s ethanol supporters launched the industry’s first national TV ad campaign today …

Ag Groups, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Video

Navy Jet To Fly On Biofuel

Chuck Zimmerman

Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen was on location at the site of President Obama’s speech this morning on energy initiatives for the United States and we were following him on Twitter. The event was held in a hanger at Andrews Air Force Base with the backdrop of a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet jet that will fly on …

Biofuels, Ethanol