2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Talking Ethanol in Orlando with RFA

Chuck Zimmerman

Talk about getting a break from winter. The attendees at the National Ethanol Conference in Orlando, Fl are loving it! It’s a beautiful sunny day to start things off with some fun activities like the annual golf tournament or an Everglades airboat ride. I took golf pictures while Cindy is checking out the Florida wildlife. To kick off our coverage …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, RFA

EcoEngineer’s Jim Baker Wins John Deere FFV Mower

Joanna Schroeder

If there was one item that was coveted above all others at the 8th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, it was the E85, flex fuel riding lawn mower donated by John Deere. Attendees who submitted comments to the EPA in regards to their proposed 2014 renewable volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) were registered to win. As soon …

Audio, Biofuels, Equipment, Ethanol, John Deere

Kirk Leeds Receives Biodiesel Award

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the National Biodiesel Board Awards was presented this morning for Industry Partnership to Kirk Leeds, Iowa Soybean Association. Kirk is Chief Executive Officer of the Association and has been a leader among soybean organizations in supporting biodiesel efforts since the industry’s inception. ISA’s support of the National Biodiesel Board over the years has allowed the industry to prepare …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference, Soybean

Riding in a New B20 Chevy Cruze

Chuck Zimmerman

You can ride or drive a brand new diesel vehicle at the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference today. Not only conference attendees but the general public. There are four vehicles outside the San Diego Convention Center from Hino, Ford, General Motors and Jeep. I chose the Chevy Cruze and rode along and made a little video clip with my Google Glass. …

Ag Groups, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference, Video

National Biodiesel Conference – Strong Reality

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning Joe Jobe, CEO, National Biodiesel Board, rallied his troops at the National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego. He told attendees that the petroleum industry is misleading Americans about fuel policy and called on President Barack Obama to stand firm behind his previous commitments to supporting alternative energy industries. In his annual address at the Biodiesel Conference & Expo, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference

National Biodiesel Conference Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s hard to believe I’ll be the biodiesel blogger for the 9th year this week. The 2014 National Biodiesel Conference is taking place in San Diego and I’m on my way. I’ll be working as the Biodiesel Blogger on the NBB Conference Blog as well as publishing stories on energy.agwired.com. Things will get going late today and through Wednesday. You …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, National Biodiesel Conference

Ethanol is a Win for Illinois, A Win for Agriculture

Joanna Schroeder

Illinois State Representative Donald Moffitt knows agriculture. He grew up on a family farm, on which his son still farms (and Don occasionally helps). This has been a huge asset for him in his role as state representative because agriculture is the number one industry in both his 74th District as well as the state of Illinois. Rep Moffitt was …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol

Ag Industry Dealt a Blow from EPA

Joanna Schroeder

The agriculture industry has been dealt a blow according to Adam Nielsen, director of legislation and policy development for the Illinois Farm Bureau. Nielsen, who spends a significant amount of time promoting the agricultural industry in Washington, D.C., said the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed 2014 reduction of the amount of corn ethanol blended as part of the Renewable Fuel …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, Farm Bill, politics

Genscape’s New Corn Forecast: 13.3B Bushels

Joanna Schroeder

Using NASA satellite data, Genscape has released an updated October corn yield forecast of 13.3 billion bushels. The company has noted that other analysts, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), have wide gaps in their predictions ranging from 13.2 billion bushels of corn produced during the 2013 growing season, to 14.2 billion bushels of corn. Genscape said a unique …

Biofuels, Corn, Precision Agriculture

How Farmers Feed & Fuel America

Chuck Zimmerman

This is a great video by Fuels America that explains how our farmers are feeding and fueling America. Agriculture in the U.S. is more sustainable than ever. We may be producing more food per acre but we’re doing it with less energy, less water and fewer resources than ever and “we’re just getting started.” So who wouldn’t want a cleaner …

Ag Groups, Biofuels, Video