Harvesting biomass from forests is not only helping those forests’ health, it’s helping the country achieve energy independence. This news release from the U.S. Department of Agriculture says the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) has removed 200,000 tons of biomass that could have been a fire risk and was turned into biofuels. “This initiative helps to retrieve forest residues that …
Corn and Soybean Groups React to EPA Decision
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced they will not be finalizing the 2014 applicable percentage of standards under the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) until next year. They also announced that the compliance deadline for 2013 RFS standards will also take place in 2015. Both corn and soybean groups reacted to the announcement, which impacts ethanol and biodiesel production …
Pacific Ag Provides Farmers with More Value
Last week Abengoa’s cellulosic ethanol biorefinery went online and is expected to produce 25 million gallons of advanced ethanol per year as well as 21 MW of bioenergy. But how exactly does the corn and wheat residue get from the fields to the biorefinery in a economical and efficient way? Enter Pacific Ag. The company was founded by Bill Levy …
Talking Advanced Biofuels in Minneapolis
Hello from Minneapolis and the National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo. This is the first of two stops for me this week before heading back to ZimmComm World Headquarters. The first panel of the conference is moderated by Tim Portz, VP of Content, BBI International. This panel, talking about “Assessing the Health of Federal Biofuels Policy and Its Long Term …
New Holland Talks Biomass Harvesting
Have you had the opportunity to participate in the biomass experience from New Holland? Thousands of farmers from around the country were able to do just this during the Farm Progress Show. But for those who were unable to attend, Chuck Zimmerman is bringing the biomass experience to you. Zimmerman spoke with Jarrod Angstadt, manager growth initiatives biomass and specialty …
Summit Group Announces Corn Ethanol Plant in Brazil
Alden, Iowa-based Summit Group announced a project to build the first modern corn ethanol plant in Brazil during the 2014 Farm Progress Show. The project will consist of a US$140 million ethanol plant near Lucas do Rio Verde in Mato Grosso, a leading agricultural state in west central Brazil and the country’s largest producer of corn and soybeans. The project …
Growth Energy Displays a Model Ethanol Plant
As part of New Holland’s commitment to being the Clean Energy Leader the company is very publicly and actively showing its support for biofuels like ethanol. During the Farm Progress Show not only could you find displays showing how and why the company supports home grown energy but there was also a special display on hand from Growth Energy. New …
Corn Growers at Farm Progress Show
National Corn Growers Association officers were out in force at the 2014 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa this week. Right out of the gate on the first day I met up with NCGA chairwoman Pam Johnson of Iowa, First VP Chip Bowling of Maryland, and President Martin Barbre of Illinois. It was a soggy start to the show on …
New Holland Loans Tractors to BioCentury Research Farm
This morning during the Farm Progress Show, New Holland hosted a tour of the Iowa State BioCentury Research Farm. New Holland got involved with the project when they saw a need for the use of some of their equipment and loaned them two tractors, which provided new options for their biomass research projects. The BioCentury Research Farm combines biomass feedstock …
No RFS Means Less Choice at Pump
With oil prices on a roller coaster because of the deteriorating situation in the Mideast, Americans United for Change stress that Americans need the EPA to stand by a secure, safe, reliable energy source the U.S. has complete control over: clean-burning, homegrown renewable fuels. Preserving the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and cheaper choices at the pump for American consumers means …