2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast 597 – The Next Generation on the Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

This week the ZimmCast, sponsored by GROWMARK, will focus on the next generation on the farm. The last in the series of three Bayer Grower Panels during the Farm Progress Show focused on “Preparing for the next generation of ag – on and off the farm.” Moderated by Pam Fretwell, the panelists included Bob Arndt, Wisconsin farmer; Jill Bramble, National …

Bayer, Farm Progress Show, GROWMARK, ZimmCast

Bayer’s Delaro Showing Positive Plant Health Benefits

Chuck Zimmerman

Plant health and yield results for Bayer’s Delaro, a corn and soybean fungicide, are being tracked in a collaborative trial with Aker, an in-season drop monitoring and autonomous scouting platform. During this season, comparison images are showing positive plant health benefits from Delaro. After applying fungicide, Aker uses high-resolution drones to capture multiple images of the fields. The results give …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show

Bayer Advocates Zero Tolerance Approach to Weeds

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, Bayer experts say anything less than 100 percent control risks corn yields in the future because just one of either of those weeds can produce 500,000 to one million seeds for next season. “Growers should take a holistic approach to managing Palmer amaranth and waterhemp,” said Frank Rittemann, selective corn herbicides product …

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Farm Progress Show, weed management

2018 #FPS18 Bayer Grower Panel on Next Gen Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

The last in the series of Bayer Grower Panels during the Farm Progress Show focused on “Preparing for the next generation of ag – on and off the farm.” Moderated by Pam Fretwell, the panelists included Bob Arndt, Wisconsin farmer, Jill Bramble, Senior Vp & Chief Resource Development Officer, National 4-H Council, Greg Nickrent, Senior Relationship Manager with BMO Harris, …

AgCareers, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Video

Bayer #FPS18 Grower Panel on Sustainability

Chuck Zimmerman

The second in the series of grower panels held at the Bayer tent during the Farm Progress Show was delayed to Wednesday morning. Moderating once again was Pam Fretwell. This panel focused on “How sustainable farming practices boost your bottom line.” The panelists were Trey Hill, Harborview Farms, Rock Hall, Maryland and the first Bayer ForwardFarm in the U.S. and …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Sustainability, Video

Bayer Discusses Integration With Monsanto

Cindy Zimmerman

There were lots of people at the Farm Progress Show this week wearing different hats – or shirts – as a result of Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto, which just became final-final this month. There were former Monsanto people now working for Bayer and former Bayer people working for BASF now, and let’s just say it will take some time before …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Video

Weather Causes Early End to FPS18 Day One

Cindy Zimmerman

There’s always something new at Farm Progress Show and this year a big storm caused something that has never happened before – an evacuation and shut down of the show before noon. Rain had been in the forecast for the day, but everyone was hoping it would either miss us or not be too bad. However, when the storm was …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Video, Weather

Bayer Grower Panel on Smart Agronomics at #FPS18

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning in the Bayer tent growers got to listen to one of three panel discussions planned throughout this year’s show. Each panel will feature growers and experts who will share their advice and strategies that are paying off on their operations. The first of the Bayer grower panels was titled, “Smart Agronomic Decisions to Help Manage Farm Margins.” The …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Video

BASF Takes Over Bayer Assets

Cindy Zimmerman

Yesterday was a brand new day for BASF as the Chemical Company marked its entry into seeds, non-selective herbicides and nematicide seed treatments. BASF closed on its acquisition of businesses and assets from Bayer, and has renamed the division from Crop Protection to Agricultural Solutions. “It strengthens our market position in agricultural solutions and creates new opportunities for growth,” said …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Bayer, Crop Protection

Fighting Worms in Cotton

Carrie Muehling

Cotton growers attending the Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day learned about a number of choices when it comes to worm control. Growers looking for two- or three-gene traits with high efficacy coupled with proven performance have a wide choice in the Stoneville lineup. TwinLink® is a two-gene Bt trait and TwinLink Plus is a three-gene Bt trait. Both show positive …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton