2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Announces Bee Care Center at ASTA

Cindy Zimmerman

The seed may be first, but bees are still important when it comes to agricultural production and Bayer CropScience was pleased to announce plans for a new North American Bee Care Center during last week’s American Seed Trade Association expo. The company plans to break ground in February 2013 on the center which will serve as a gathering place for …

ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Seed

Bayer CEO at World Food Prize

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer CropScience CEO Sandra Peterson gave one of the plenary addresses at the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue on the topic of how to feed a growing population. “The one gift that eludes every single one of us, and especially those who are hungry, is time,” she said. “We have to feed nine billion people by 2050. We need to …

Audio, Bayer, Food, World Food Prize

Bayer CropScience Showcases One World Theme

John Davis

At the recent Farm Progress Show, Bayer CropScience showcased its “One World to Grow On” theme… a holistic approach that helps producers figure out how to maximize harvests in the short and long terms. “Our purpose is to propel farming’s future,” said Inci Dannenberg, VP commercial operations for Bayer CropScience. “The whole idea was to take a look at what …

Ag Groups, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show

Bayer Surveys Farmer Concerns at FPS

Cindy Zimmerman

Drought and weather concerns topped the Bayer CropScience Farm Progress Show survey this year about issues and opportunities facing farmers. Not really surprising, given this summer’s challenging drought – 73 percent of respondents to Bayer CropScience’s daily survey noted climate and weather problems as the biggest challenge experienced on their farm this year. Weed resistance ranked second in terms of …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, weed management

Weed Resistance Warning from Arkansas

Cindy Zimmerman

Retired Arkansas weed scientist Ford Baldwin wants Midwest growers to learn from what happened in his state before it’s too late for them. “The story I try to tell in the Midwest is how we basically have lost the world’s greatest herbicide technology in the south in Roundup Ready,” Ford said at a Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation field day …

Audio, Bayer, Farming, weed management

Bayer Crop Protection for Corn and Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

At the recent Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation event in Collinsville, Illinois, growers learned more about some of the company’s crop protection products for corn and soybeans to help them better avoid resistance issues in the future. “We want to continue to use the products that we have,” said Mark Waddington, Bayer tech services rep, who talked about insecticides and …

Audio, Bayer, Farming, weed management

Know the Enemy – Palmer Pigweed

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s not just pigweed, it’s Palmer amaranth pigweed, and it was all over the Bayer CropScience Respect the Rotation plot tour in Collinsville, Illinois – towering over corn and soybeans and most other weeds. Waterhemp is also a member of the pigweed family that might be more familiar to growers in the Midwest and both are developing resistance to glyphosate. …

Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Video, weed management

Respecting the Rotation with Bayer CropScience

Cindy Zimmerman

At least 250 farmers, crop consultants, and retailers turned out Wednesday in Collinsville, Illinois for a plot tour of mostly lots of really tall and nasty weeds that don’t die easily. The Bayer CropScience “Respect the Rotation” field day offered a glimpse of what could happen in the Midwest if resistant weeds like pigweed palmer ameranth gain a foothold. District …

Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection

Grand Opening Attendees Tour Clayton Research Farm

Jamie Johansen

After the grand opening of Greenhouse 5, Bayer CropScience hosted a tour of the Clayton Research Farm, where Chuck caught up with Karl Morris, Bayer CropScience, Environmental Science, Clayton Research Farm site manager. Morris discussed the research efforts of the center and what’s new in pest management. “I am one of six biologist that are here at our Clayton Development …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer