2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bee Buzz at #PotatoExpo

Cindy Zimmerman

There was a lot of buzz about bees at the 2016 Potato Expo this week in Las Vegas. The National Potato Council announced this week that they are joining the Bayer CropScience Feed a Bee initiative as an official partner committing to enlist America’s potato farmers to help feed bees. Dr. Becky Langer, manager of the North American Bee Care …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators, Potato

EPA Assessment Raises Honeybee Concerns

Taylor Truckey

Today the EPA announced a preliminary pollinator risk assessment for the neonicotinoid insecticide, imidacloprid, which, according to the assessment, is a threat to some pollinators. EPA’s assessment, prepared in collaboration with California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation, indicates that imidacloprid potentially poses risk to hives when the pesticide comes in contact with certain crops that attract pollinators. “Delivering on the President’s …

Bayer, Environment, EPA, Insecticides

Credenz Spokesbeans #SoyExcited on National Bean Day

Chuck Zimmerman

The folks at Bayer CropScience, friendly ZimmComm sponsors, are having some fun today, National Bean Day. Actually, it is their Credenz spokesbeans, Ed & Edna, who are #SoyExcited to be taking charge today of @Bayer4CropsUS. I’ve heard that there will be more to come during the day. Here’s what Ed & Edna have to say about today. Hi, we’re Ed …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Crop Science, Soybean

New Foundation Launched by @USFRA

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) has launched a new foundation with a mission of furthering agricultural education and understanding of agriculture among America’s consumers including young people and millennials. The U.S. Farming and Ranching Foundation (USFRF) is the result of a collaborative effort led by the agriculture and food industry to expand the dialogue with consumers regarding food …

Ag Groups, Audio, Bayer, Education, USFRA

Last Days to Play LibertyLink Real Yield Game

Chuck Zimmerman

Farmers are already winning by playing the Bayer CropScience LibertyLink Real Yield Game. But the game ends 12/31/15 so get your game on! I spoke with winner Karl Fictum, Wisconsin, and asked him how he learned about the LibertyLink Real Yield Game. He was searching around the Bayer CropScience website and it “popped up” at him so he played the …

Audio, Bayer, Herbicide, Soybean

ZimmCast on LibertyLink Campaign

Cindy Zimmerman

If you have been listening to farm radio at all in the last couple of months you have probably heard the Real Yield radio spots that have been running featuring real farmers from around the soybean producing part of the country talking about their experience with the Bayer CropScience LibertyLink system. In this edition of the ZimmCast, we talk with …

Audio, Bayer, Soybean, ZimmCast

ZimmCast on AgVocating with Bayer CropScience

Cindy Zimmerman

Welcome to ZimmCast number 495! Wow, just five more until we hit the big 5-00! This week’s ZimmCast is from last week’s American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) CSS 2015 and Seed Expo and it’s about AgVocating, a word that has become a part of the agricultural dictionary in the past couple of years and has a pretty obvious meaning combining …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Bayer, ZimmCast

Soybean Leader Loves LibertyLink Real Yield Radio

Chuck Zimmerman

This soybean grower is not using the LibertyLink system (yet). But when he listens to Cindy on Bayer CropScience’s LibertyLink Real Yield Radio it has him thinking. Real Yield Radio is the radio portion of the current Bayer CropScience campaign airing nationally. The grower is Greg Anderson, Nebraska soybean grower and industry leader. Greg is currently serving on the National …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Soybean

Sustainable Farmer Award Applications Sought

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer CropScience is seeking young agricultural producers that demonstrate leadership and excellence in the areas of business and environmental sustainability through the 2016 Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Any farmer or rancher age 40 and under who receives at least half of his or her income from farming and farm-related ventures is eligible to apply. Applications may be accessed and completed …

Bayer, Farming, Sustainability