2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Agronomist and Central Illinois Farming

Leah Guffey

Ahead of Commodity Classic in San Antonio last week, BASF Crop Protection held the eighth in its Science Behind media event series with the theme of The Advanced Acre. Jeremy Hogan, Innovation Specialist and Agronomist with BASF in Central Illinois, works with farmers to deliver agronomic and product solutions to their operations. Jeremy and I discussed last year’s crazy growing …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Farming

BASF Helps Growers Plan for Success

Cindy Zimmerman

Nobody in business plans for failure and farmers are no different. “We have to plan for success,” says BASF Technical Crop Production Specialist AJ Woodyard. “We have to take that mindset again this year of looking at what is my plan for success this growing season and how am I going to implement that strategy to best maximize yield on …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Seed

Living Without Regrets: Managing Weed Resistance

John Davis

It seems like a pretty common sense idea in weed management: cleaner soybean fields will equal better yields when harvest time comes around. But Bryan Young, a professor of weed science from Purdue University who conducted the BASF-sponsored learning session, “Clean Fields, High Yields: The Keys to Solving Your Weed Problems in 2014,” at Commodity Classic told the farmers attending …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, weed management

BASF Spotlights Future of Farming

Cindy Zimmerman

Over 7,000 people had the opportunity to visit the BASF Crop Protection USA booth at the Commodity Classic to learn more about the future of farming – by video and through the eyes of children. The newest video from BASF, featuring fun facts about how far the industry has progressed and how we must advance in order to meet the …

Agribusiness, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Video

Meet the BASF SOY Scholarship Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

An idea that started back when he was just an elementary school student has led a Tennessee high schooler to picking up a substantial scholarship that he says will help him further his own energy business. Caleb Brannon of Puryear, Tenn. was selected as the recipient of the 2014-2015 ASA Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Scholarship, a $5,000 award presented to …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic

Meet the Jerry Minore Scholarship Winners

Cindy Zimmerman

In its second year, the Jerry Minore Memorial Scholarship fund honors students pursuing careers in the agriculture industry. A total of four students will be awarded a $1,000 or $1,500 scholarship. As a BASF Senior Market Manager, Minore was a liaison to the wheat industry, including the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and the Foundation, and an advocate for …

Audio, BASF, Education, Wheat

Meet the BASF NCGA Scholarship Winners

Cindy Zimmerman

For the seventh year in a row, BASF Crop Protection teamed up with the National Corn Growers Association to provide the William C. Berg Academic Excellence in Agriculture scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students pursuing an agricultural degree. Mark Scott, a Missouri farmer on the NCGA Grower Services Action Team, helped to present the scholarships. “We’d like to thank BASF …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn

BASF Growing Today for Tomorrow

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection is committed to growing the future of agriculture by investing in the next generation of professionals for the industry. BASF this year has continued its partnership with the American Soybean Association (ASA), the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and the National Wheat Foundation (NWF) to present 10 students with scholarships today during the 2014 Commodity Classic in …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybean, Wheat

BASF Shares Science Behind the Advanced Acre

Cindy Zimmerman

This is the eighth year for the BASF Crop Protection Science Behind media event series held prior to the kickoff of the Commodity Classic and this year the theme is The Advanced Acre. “The advanced acre is a comprehensive approach that BASF wants to take in its relationship with growers,” said Scott Kay, BASF Vice President for U.S. Crop Protection. …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection

Two No-Till Products of the Year from BASF

Cindy Zimmerman

No-till farmers gave top honors to BASF products Headline AMP® fungicide and Sharpen® herbicide at the recent 22nd Annual National No-Tillage Conference in Springfield, Illinois. This is the eighth consecutive win for Headline AMP fungicide in the top fungicide product category. Headline AMP fungicide is labeled for corn application. On-farm field trials from 2013 show Headline AMP fungicide delivers 11.7 …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, weed management