This week the House of Representatives is supposed to bring the Water Resources Development Act to the floor for a vote. That’s the topic of CornTalk, the weekly interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. I interviewed Lisa Kelley, Director of Public Policy for the National Corn Growers Association.
Pitching CAFTA-DR On Rural Radio
I waited to post this until I had a copy of the radio spot that this coalition of ag groups for CAFTA is running this week on rural radio stations.
Agritourism Is The Topic On This Week’s ZimmCast
Agritourism has become a valuable additional way for many farms to make more money. In this week’s ZimmCast I interview Jane Eckert, Eckert Agrimarketing, about her business. Jane is a professional direct marketing consultant with a passion for agritourism. I think you’ll enjoy hearing what she’s got to say.
NAIS Would Boost Consumer Confidence
The folks at Global Animal Management have done a consumer survey to find out what the move to a national animal id system will mean to confidence in food safety. That’s the topic of their latest talking news release.
More Beef For Show Me State Seniors
The Show-Me State Senior Games are being held this week in Columbia, and one of the sponsors of the event is the Missouri Beef Industry Council.
Manmade Spring Rise On Missouri River Discussed On CornTalk
It’s time to save the Pallid Sturgeon on the Missouri River. At least that’s what it sounds like a bunch of concerned wildlife people want.
NAMA Leadership Interview With Don Schultz This Week’s ZimmCast
I know I posted this last week but not as a podcast. So it’s this week’s ZimmCast.
NAMA Interview With Clear Channel’s Don Schultz
These guys were in charge at last night’s Region II NAMA Leadership Workshop. One of the key themes that we heard over and over (KEN) was not to become “stagnant” (KEN).
Good Weather Story On USDA Radio Newsline
I’ve wanted to write something about them for a while but just haven’t had a chance.
New CBB Budget Subject Of This Week’s MBIC Report
As already posted here on AgWired, the Cattlemen’s Beef Board operating committee has recommended a new budget so that’s what this week’s MBIC Report is all about.