EPIC Growth & Plans

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast35 - Tom SluneckaIn just a few short months the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) has really put together some fantastic projects to promote ethanol as an excellent renewable energy fuel source. The organization has grown in membership and boasts significant backing for its future. Plans are being made now for 2006 and we look forward to what they have in mind. To find out more I interviewed EPIC Executive Director, Tom Slunecka for this week’s ZimmCast. Tom talks about the organization, some of their research and ways they are continuing to promote ethanol to the public.

Ag Groups, Audio, Ethanol, Podcasts, ZimmCast

Listen To The Expo Marketing Manager

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck & Lisa BehnkeHow’d you like to be responsible for all the media and marketing for a farm show that attracts about 65,000 people? We’re talking international reporters and visitors. Well in the case of World Dairy Expo it’s all the work of Lisa Behnke, Marketing Manager (pictured to the right of yours truly). She’s hard at work now getting ready for all the media representatives who will be covering Expo. Of course she also does other things and I think you’ll be able to tell from my interview with her that she’s proud of World Dairy Expo and committed to making it even better.

Audio, Farm Shows, World Dairy Expo

Audio Invites From NAFB

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB 2005 Annual MeetingThe National Association of Farm Broadcasters is gettin’ jiggy with their 2005 Annual Meeting invites! I just got my second one via email and like the other one, it contains audio. Imagine a mostly radio group using audio. Maybe that new E-D has got some new ideas?

Audio, NAFB

Senator Talent On CornTalk

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastThis week’s CornTalk, a program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features Senator Jim Talent (R-MO), member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Co-Chair of the Senate Biofuels Caucus. Cindy interviews the Senator who discusses legislation he is sponsoring that would provide additional disaster assistance for Missouri farmers, and what he is doing to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to quickly implement the new standard for ethanol and biodiesel.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Meet The New AAEA President

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 34 - CrummettIt’s the American Agricultural Editor’s Association new president right here on AgWired in our ZimmCast for this week. He’s Dan Crummett, Farm Progress Companies. I interviewed him right after he got sworn in at the recent Ag Media Summit. Dan talks about AAEA and why he thinks the organization has become stronger. He also discusses AAEA’s new strategic plan.

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast