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What’s Going On At ZimmComm

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast38 - Chuck & CindyYou can learn more about what’s going on at ZimmComm on this week’s ZimmCast. Cindy and I do a little review of what’s happening and hope it’ll generate some ideas for you. For example we talk about our blog projects and some of the grower harvest interview work we’ve been doing for our clients.

Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast

Monsanto Sticky Traps Catch Variants

Chuck Zimmerman

MonsantoThe latest Talking News Release we distributed this week was from Monsanto. The topic was research from their sticky traps program to see if western corn rootworm beetles are present in soybean fields. I think this is a very interesting story. These western corn rootworm “variants” have adapted their reproductive practices by laying their eggs in soybean fields in order to survive field rotations between corn and soybeans. The variant eggs hatch during the spring, after the field has been rotated back to corn, resulting in larval feeding in first-year corn, which is not a good thing. These are some smart pests!

Agribusiness, Audio

Diamond Pet Foods Buying Identity-preserved Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with Mark Brinkman, Diamond Pet Foods. Diamond Pet Foods has worked with MCGA’s Value Enhancement Program to develop premium price contracts with Missouri corn growers who supply identity-preserved corn for use in the company’s pet food business. Brinkman says this assures Diamond Pet Food will receive a consistent and safe source of corn!

Audio, Corn, Podcasts

He’s The Wisconsin Cow Czar

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast37 - Steve KozarIn this week’s ZimmCast I’ve got something a little different. You’re probably familiar with the Cow Parade, you know that public art exhibition that got started in Chicago some years ago. Maybe you collect the minatures that are now sold as fine collectibles everywhere. If you have wanted to know more about how a public art display that is all about a farm animal works then listen to my interview with cow parade, cow artist, Steve Kozar. Steve was painting his cow in his booth at World Dairy Expo, so we could even see him work! Steve said people were having fun with his last name but he really got a kick out of it when I dubbed him the “Wisconsin Cow Czar.”

Audio, Farm Shows, Podcasts, World Dairy Expo, ZimmCast