If you’re considering ZimmComm’s AgNewsWire.AgWired.com service you may be wondering about what we call the Quickfarm network. In fact, you may wonder just what Quickfarm is.
Utah State Fair By Napoleon Dynamite
Steve Mays gets the credit here. He found out that the Utah State Fair is using Napoleon Dynamite in their marketing campaign and I think it’s hilarious. Of course I’ve already watched the movie about 4 times and think it’s funnier every time I see it. You can find Napoleon’s Sweet Ads here. Just look at the link in the left side list.
Nutritional Advertising By The Beef Industry
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with Missouri Beef Council board member John Kleiboeker of California, MO. John talks about the beef industry’s nutrition advertising campaign that will soon be appearing in magazines like Parents, Good Housekeeping, Bon Appetit, Weight Watchers, Shape and Men’s Health.
Will The Missouri River Rise Twice
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. The proposed plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to have two spring rises on the Missouri River could create another problem for farmers – crop insurance may not cover any losses as a result. Randy Asbury, Executive Director of the Coalition to Protect the Missouri River, talks about the potential problem and what is being done about it.
AGCO Orange Doing Well
In case you’ve wondered how those orange tractors are doing this week’s ZimmCast is an interview with Todd Stucke, General Marketing Manager, AGCO. I caught up to Todd at the recent NAFB convention.
Nebraska Farm Bureau Should Podcast
The Nebraska Farm Bureau is about to kick off its annual convention in Kearney. I bring this up because we have such good friends there and I don’t get a chance to write about state groups as often as I’d like. However, I want to use NEFB as an example of a group that I recommend start podcasting.
Yonder In The Pawpaw Patch
How many of you know about the Pawpaw? It’s a native American fruit. I can’t say I’ve had any experience with it. Apparently there are efforts to bring it “back.” I don’t know from where but after reading about it I’d sure like to try some.
Serving Beef To Miss Missouri USA
The Missouri Beef Industry Council is involved with two different organizations this week in trying to communicate with consumers. Alane Lidolph, Director of Consumer Information, explains what she’s doing with the Miss Missouri USA Contest and the Missouri Coordinated School Health Coalition Conference. She’s also got a beef-related holiday gift idea.
Real Christmas Trees For Troops
Tis the season to be jolly and support our troops. That’s the theme of a holiday promotion by the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA).
Beef Checkoff Control
Although the Beef Checkoff has strong producer approval there is still some confusion about who actually controls it. Missouri Beef Industry Council, executive director, Steve Taylor, explains in this week’s MBIC Report.