I just love it when an agribusiness site uses audio (and promotes it). That’s why it’s worth noting that the Pioneer, Growing Point, website has new audio file. I’m going to use their link to one so you can hear what it sounds like. This one is a technology update on “gene shuffling” by Bart Baudler.
Preview of Cattle Industry Convention
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with David Dick who is the chairman. David provides a preview of the upcoming Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. I’ll be blogging the conference right here and on a new blog that will be announced soon!
Bringing Internet Access To Rural America
I’m back. It’s been a long day of blogging, teaching blogging and demonstrating AgNewsWire. I promised to post some audio though and here it is. I decided to post Tim Ganschow’s (Agristar Global Networks) complet presentation today on “Bringing Internet Access To Rural America.” You sure can’t find a subject more near and dear to my heart.
Perfecting The Soybean
This week’s ZimmCast is my last interview from the fall NAFB convention. It’s with Kent Gronlie, soybean farmer and member of the United Soybean Board and Qualisoy. In my interview Kent talks about the work that Qualisoy has been doing and what he sees for the future for soybeans.
The Beltwide Has Concluded
The Beltwide Cotton Conference has been going on all week in San Antonio. The Conference is all about improving and enhancing cotton production, but some policy issues always come up – especially when trade is such a vital part of the US cotton industry.
Butter Is Bigger & Better
A little butter makes things better. In this case The Farm Show got kicked off in Pennsylvania with a sculpture crafted from 800 pounds of butter that was donated by the Land O’Lakes plant in Carlisle, PA.
Show Me Shape Up Challenge
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with Consumer Information Director Alane Lidolf who talks about the upcoming Show-Me Shape Up Program. MBIC is helping to sponsor the shape up program which begins next week. People can sign up for the challenge at http://www.smsg.org/showmeshapeup/.
A Pre-NCBA Convention Discussion
It’s a new year on AgWired and our first ZimmCast of the year is with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president-elect, Mike John. Mike talks about the issues that will be discussed at the upcoming Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show in Denver. He encourages cattlemen to become members and get involved in the process.
Brownfield’s Year In Review
I’m not planning on doing a year in review although it seems like a lot of people are. Take the Brownfield Network for example. Tom Steever looks back at the year in agriculture in this hour-long special report: Stream or Download (22mb mp3)
MBIC Year In Review
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with director of marketing, Dawn Thurnau. Dawn reviews the marketing activities of the organization for the year, including youth, restaurants and grocery stores.