One of the main organizers of the Cattlemen’s College here at the Cattle Industry Convention is Tom Woodward, a cattleman from Texas. I interviewed Tom during a break in the session today. He talks about why they chose this venue this year and the importance of the program which is focusing on the low stress handling of cattle.
Why Blog The Cattle Industry Convention
Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO, Monte Reese talks about why they decided to blog the convention in an interview I conducted with him this afternoon. He starts out providing an overview of the convention as it relates to the Beef Checkoff.
Learn About The Issues
I interviewed Jay Truitt, NCBA Vice President of Government Affiars, (pictured on left) about the issues affecting cattlemen.
National Beef Ambassador Team Onsite
As I was wandering around I ran into the National Beef Ambassador Team.
Beef Lover Sweepstakes Contests
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with Marketing Director Dawn Thurnau who talks about sweepstakes contests for beef lovers that are being promoted in national magazines in addition to regular beef advertising.
Team Ethanol Now With Rahal Letterman
If you’re going to switch teams, pick a good one. That’s what Team Ethanol driver Paul Dana did. The rumor was floating around until confirmation came today at an Indy Racing League press conference. Paul Dana will now be driving for Rahal Letterman Racing, which makes him a teammate to Danica Patrick.
XM Satellite Radio With Willie Nelson
This is ZimmCast number 52. I know that means a year but in the early week’s I did a couple extra’s at an event. It took me a few weeks to get into the rythym. It’s close enough to a year though. My how time flies when you’re having fun.
Beef And Veterinarians
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with Executive Director Steve Taylor. Steve talks about their presence this weekend at the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association annual meeting in Branson and how veterinarians are partners in the beef industry’s long range plan to increase profitability by assuring a high quality product.
A ZimmCast On Rural Internet Access
The issue of rural internet access is a very important one in agricultural marketing and communications today. Last week I posted the full presentation made by Tim Ganschow, Agristar Global Networks, at the Gateway NAMA meeting. I’ve selected a couple of segments from Tim’s talk for you in this week’s ZimmCast. I hope you enjoy it.
Wichita Residents Embrace Ethanol
The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council has some promotion results to be proud of.