Poultry President Pleased With Expo

Cindy Zimmerman

The president of the US Poultry and Egg Association is pretty pleased with the turnout at this year’s International Poultry Expo, which looks to be better than a year ago, despite the condition of the economy. “This is our 62nd show here in Atlanta,” John Starkey told me during an interview in the media room overlooking the trade show floor. …

Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Annual Meeting Outlook From CBB CEO Tom Ramey

Chuck Zimmerman

The CEO of the Beef Board is Tom Ramey, seen here providing information to CBB Chairman Lucinda Williams at the Operating Committee Mtg. I spoke with him this morning about the issues and work being done here from the staff perspective. Tom says this annual meeting is where they go over the financial reports and audits from the last year …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Blog Training With National Beef Ambassadors

Amanda Nolz

I spent the morning with the 2010 National Beef Ambassador Team (pictured LR: Ellen Hoffschneider, Neb.; Malorie Bankhead, Cali.; Mandy-Jo Laurent, Tex.; Rebecca Vraspir, Wyo.; and Jackson Alexander, Okla.) The morning was spent in a social media training workshop, where I helped to equip the ambassadors with the tools they need to write an effective blog post to share the …


Beef Board Operating Committee Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

The Beef Board Operating Committee had a big challenge here at the Cattle Industry Convention. A number of previously funded projects returned unused dollars which now became available for re-allocation. This happens normally and so a number of what are called AR’s or Authorization Requests (amended) were made from other projects that had funds cut last year to obtain some …

Audio, Cattle Industry Conference

Bioavailability is Key to Chelated Trace Minerals

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to chelated trace minerals, Dr. Jim Richards with Novus International is a serious expert, and this is no simple subject. “When you chelate a trace mineral, you basically react it with an organic mineral called a ligand,” says Jim, who is Novus Manager of Cell Biology Research. Now, that likely means very little to the cell biology …

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

History of Poultry Feed Management

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Poultry Scientific Forum is held in conjunction with the International Poultry Expo each year and is sponsored by the Southern Poultry Science Society, the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases, and the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. As part of that event, Novus International hosts a luncheon and speaker for the attendees on a topic of general interest to …

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

CBB and NCBA Officer Previews

Chuck Zimmerman

The combined meetings of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and Cattlemen’s Beef Board have started here at the Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio. To kick off our coverage I conducted a short interview with an officer from each organization. Pictured are Tom Jones, CBB Secretary/Treasurer (left) and Bill Donald, NCBA Vice President. I caught up with them prior to …

Ag Groups, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

AGCO Shows How To Go Social

Chuck Zimmerman

AGCO is providing a great example of how to integrate social media and networking into their communications strategy and to learn more about what they’re doing I spoke with Sue Otten, Director, Corporate Communications & Brand Communications Worldwide. In our conversation we talk about why the company has invested in very active social communications channels. Sue says that it’s a …

Audio, Social Networking, ZimmCast

MFA, Inc. Partners With Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games

Chuck Zimmerman

The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games is picking up more sponsors and the latest is MFA Incorporated in Missouri. The announcement was made this evening at the Missouri Equine Council Annual Celebration at the Boone County Fairgrounds. On hand for the presentation were Alltech’s Tyler Bramble (r) and Dr. Alan Wessler, MFA Inc. MFA is an official animal health and …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Audio, Horses

ZedX Does Wireless Precision

Chuck Zimmerman

We read a lot about precision agriculture hardware but you’ve got to have good software too. That’s what ZedX, Inc. is all about. On the floor of last week’s AG CONNECT Expo I met Twitter Master, Nathan Taylor, Business Analyst for the company. Nathan says the company supplies precision support tools for the management of production agriculture. He says they …

Agribusiness, Audio, Precision Agriculture